Have a great health. Any deficiencies the condition of the body and physical defects, such as curvature of the sinuses, osteoma on the hands, can become the reason of refusal in the special forces.
Have a crystal clear background. Special forces can not be judged, and those who failed the tests for moral stability. Of course it is unacceptable use of alcohol and drugs.
Improve physical form. For service in the elite special forces requires a great stamina, strength, strength of character. Very useful can be survival skills, travel skills level in shooting and some other sports.
Depending on the specific kind of troops you can get into the special forces in different ways.
You serve in the army. Part of the special forces are mainly formed of the men who have chosen service under the contract.
If your physical training is ideal, you can get into special forces right after completing the course the young fighter, but there is a risk that you simply will not notice.
To get to GRU, we proceed to the military Academy. With excellent learning outcomes your chances will increase markedly.
Improve knowledge of computer technology, electronics, skills of dealing with communication. All this knowledge can play a crucial role during the selection.
Looking for in clubs veterans and communicate with those who are in this environment. Those who have already been served in the special forces, can help with advice and help with definition in the right arm.
Contact the district military enlistment office with the request, putting the branch of service in which you would like to get.
Unfortunately, in our world many things money can buy. There are eyewitnesses to the fact that to get into the special forces can help a simple bribe, and when, of course, in the presence of the above mentioned items.