  • What about a chord in the heart
  • Can I take a bath at elevated pressure: precautions
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  • What moderate external hydrocephalus
  • What kind of doctor treats varicose veins
  • What does a swollen lymph gland under the arm
  • Is it possible to have anal sex if girls hemorrhoids
  • What diseases occur in the nervous system
  • Protein in urine: causes, diagnosis and treatment
  • Why pull in the groin
  • What to do when an ectopic pregnancy
  • How to get rid of cerumen in the ear
  • How do you know that reduced hemoglobin
  • What is pleurisy
  • How to recognize uterine cancer
  • Why eye
  • How to treat a violation of intraventricular conductivity
  • What causes enlargement of thyroid follicles
  • Why in the eyes of floating worms and threads
  • Whether the cancer is transmitted by inheritance?
  • What is the meaning of pain in the left hypochondrium, radiating to the back left
  • How to handle the room of a patient with tuberculosis
  • Will do ultrasound in pregnancy, the deformity of the fetus
  • How many leukocytes in the blood can be considered the norm
  • Why sick thyroid
  • How is intestinal infection
  • What does the color of phlegm when you cough
  • Why crack the skin between the toes
  • How to test for prothrombin