Pain in the left hypochondrium often arise due to problems in heart, kidney, intestine. Therefore, for correct diagnosis it is necessary to consider all symptoms, including the nature and localization of pain. Of course, the correct diagnosis can specialist, and on the basis of survey analyses.
Possible reasons for the appearance of pain that radiates to the back – diseases of the spleen and heart. Severe paroxysmal pain, which often radiates to the back, can be a symptom of inflammation of the spleen. But if the pain becomes very strong, sharp, increasing in attempts movement, and also accompanied by a bluish discoloration of the skin of the abdomen, especially the navel area, you should immediately call an Ambulance, because these signs indicate a possible ruptured spleen. Before the arrival of the doctor should be attached to the left side of the patient some cold item like ice or a plastic bottle with cold water.
"Er" also will be needed if the pain experienced not only in the back but in the shoulder, arm, neck. After all, this may be indicative of myocardial infarction. For the same disease may indicate shortness of breath, a feeling of strong fear, shortness of breath. In such cases it is better to be safe, because the delay in medical care can be life-threatening.
Pain that radiates to the back may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Strong burning pain, often radiating to the back area, is often an indication of stomach ulcers. Another characteristic symptom of the disease – frequent retching. The gastric ulcer after vomiting pain is noticeably reduced.
Pain in left side of abdomen is characteristic for gastritis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. But sometimes, the pain may spread to the back area. If a person has gastritis with high acidity, pain occurs when he is hungry, and if with a low – after a meal. Special feature: gastritis often causes nausea, which does not happen ulcer.
In any case, should not tolerate and not to self-medicate but to consult the doctor and get tested. After all, the correct diagnosis and choose the most appropriate treatment can only a doctor. If the pain is severe and unbearable, you can drink pain medication and to call a specialist. But under no circumstances it is impossible to heat the place where you feel pain.