Of sexually transmitted infections do not cause infection instantly – between the contact of the causative agent into the organism and the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease incubation period. So it makes no sense to rush to a dermatologist immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse in the direction of the analysis – the test results can be false negative. However, if you have suspicions in the health partner, your doctor may prescribe a preventive course of broad-spectrum antibiotics – this is done during the first two to three days after unprotected contact.
Preventive treatment is unable to protect against certain diseases, including the most serious of hepatitis, HIV, genital herpes. So two weeks after the end of prophylactic antibiotics in any case have to be tested. All this time, you want to limit sex to avoid infecting a partner or to use condoms.
Be tested for infections, sexually transmitted infections, should not only after unprotected contact with a new partner, but in some other cases. Be sure to get tested if you notice any unusual discharge from the vagina or urethra, in case of any rashes, ulcers, erosions in the genital area or the anus, with sharp pains or pain during urination. In addition, tests for sexually transmitted infections should be couples planning to become parents. People who previously have not received a diagnosis and sexually active with one partner, it is recommended that a single examination to exclude asymptomatic diseases.
Tests for infections, sexually transmitted diseases, are performed by ELISA (immuno-enzyme analysis), PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or culture studies, often used because of the simplicity and low cost analysis of conventional smear under the microscope.
In men, the doctor takes a swab from the urethra, in women from cervical canal of uterus, posterior fornix of the vagina and the external opening of the urethra. Before taking the stroke must be made within three days to abstain from sex and two hours not to visit the toilet. The same recommendation applies during the preparation for delivery of the analysis on PCR - fence material is the same as with a conventional smear. Women are advised in the morning before testing, to refrain from cleaning the. The smear results are known usually through the day, the result of PCR using two or three days.
Blood sampling for ELISA test no special preparation is required, although before analysis is not recommended to consume fatty foods. The results of enzyme immunoassay is known to usually within a few hours.
Culture involves the sowing material collected from the genital tract, in a nutrient medium. After a while the material begins to reproduce, the microorganisms, after which the specialists of the laboratory identificeret them and determine sensitivity to antibiotics. The culture results of the smear be known at least 72 hours, you will normally need at least a week.