- What is the meaning of the icon "the unfading blossom"? The icon of the Mother of God "Fadeless color" refers to one of the most ancient, beautiful and mysterious icons which is rare in temples. However she is dearly loved by religious people who pray to her for the purity of their intentions and gaining spiritual strength to overcome the various tests.
- What icon is worth to give on the birth of a child On the birth of a child the relatives and friends of the family try to choose useful and memorable gift. To protect the baby from disease and trouble, give the icon. It will be reliable defenders and assistant for life.
- What prayers should be read before communion An Orthodox Christian, sees the sacrament as an obligatory sacrament for the spiritual purification of his personality. According to the teachings of the Church, in the sacrament of communion man mysteriously United to Christ. Therefore, the Orthodox canons require mandatory training of a man to meet God.
- Agnostic or atheist: what is the difference? Attitude to religion - the issue is so complex that it may exhaust two points of view, "believe" and "believe" is simply impossible. Positions a lot and the difference between them is slight enough that without a dictionary to understand. In particular, quite often people is unclear, what is the difference between "atheist" and "agnostic", if neither one nor the other do not belong to any religion.
- How nuns live in the monastery Contrary to popular belief that women go to the monastery after a severe emotional upheaval, among the nuns a lot of strong personalities, who came back calling, with the desire to serve God, to devote the whole of his life.
- How to behave as a Muslim Islam quite clearly reglamentary not only religious but also secular lives of their adherents. For example, a Muslim have to follow the rules and customs of his religion in thought and in life.
- Why Orthodox cross from right to left A situation when believers make the Church ceremonies, without thinking about their meaning and purpose, not uncommon. Explanations for the reasons why, in Orthodoxy it is to be baptized right to left and not Vice versa, several.
- Why beneath the cross of Jesus Christ is depicted as a skull and crossbones Some people may be confused by the presence of the skull and bones under the Cross of Christ. However, in images of the crucifixion are all deeply symbolic and points out important aspects of Christian faith and tradition.
- How to read the Psalter for the dead For the believing Orthodox person, the memory of the dead is prayer to deceased relatives and friends. There are some funeral prayers, special place among which is the reading of the Psalter for the dead.
- How to commemorate the dead In the Christian tradition, the remembrance of the dead symbolizes belief in eternal life and in the after life "biological" life begins another, not led by the people of the earth, but no less real. Remembering, we try to help the departed from us humans in eternal life. And as the remembrance of the dead in the first place, is based on faith, all the customs are somehow connected with the Church.
- How to conduct funerals and memorials Russian funeral ceremony (or funeral) is based on Slavic pagan views and, of course, to the Orthodox traditions. Among Orthodox Christians there are certain rules of carrying out of funeral and subsequent Wake.
- What sects are there Since the advent of the first religious education have always been those who tried to make religion more "correct", "true", "true". The reformers, dissidents, adherents of a breakaway religious movements was previously declared heretics, and later the cultists, and the new doctrine of a sect. According to theologians, we must distinguish between the traditional or classical sects and totalitarian or destructive.
- How to behave when the dead man in the house There are certain rules and norms of behavior in the house with the deceased person. About them everyone should know, they should be observed strictly. All of this will not deliver the friends and family of the deceased in any way, and not to hurt their feelings.
- When the birthday of Sergei In 70-e and 80-e years Sergeyi called the boys. It was quite a popular name at the time. In principle, this is understandable: Sergey – quite euphonious, in addition, it goes well with many middle names.
- What religious holiday is celebrated on 7 July The Orthodox Church calendar is full of many festivals, which are memories of important events of new Testament history. July 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate the birthday of St. John the Baptist.
- When you can order a memorial service for the dead The commemoration of the dead is a religious duty of every Christian. Prayer for the dead is an important part of remembering our dead relatives. In the Orthodox churches, there are special memorial prayers contained in the rite of Requiem.
- Where is the soul of the deceased in the first three days after death: an Orthodox perspective In the cultures of different peoples there are various ideas about where the soul of a deceased person in the first three days after death. Christian Orthodox culture has its own explanation of this question.
- Who is this cleric and that come in his responsibilities The word "clergy" comes from the Greek "a lot." In Christianity, the so-called clergy. It is a society of priests of the parish. Their appearance, duties and norms of behaviour regulated by the rules of the Ecumenical Councils.
- Why Leo Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Church Leo Tolstoy is a writer with a world name. Many of his creations have become real masterpieces of literature. This distinguished author had some of his religious beliefs, which caused substantial criticism from the Russian Orthodox Church.
- Is it possible to get married for the second time Wedding is one of the seven sacraments. Orthodox people entering this great thing is when I want to witness their relationship before God and receive blessings for a life together, the birth and upbringing of children. But, unfortunately, some Church marriages break up and in front of people, the question may arise concerning the possibility of a second wedding.
- What was the name of the God of war in different Nations Representatives of many pagan cultures worshipped the God of war, sometimes not even one. Since the primitive ancient peoples victory in the war was revered as the mercy of heaven, the gods of war have occupied an important position in the Pantheon. Each tribe had their own God of war, but often these gods were endowed with similar traits.
- How to get to Saint Matrona Pilgrims from all over the country come to visit the relics of Saint Matrona in Pokrovsky monastery, which is located on the street Tagansky, and the tomb on the Danilovsky cemetery. Drive to Mother Matron, with metro, tram and car.
- What are the icons help to get pregnant Often spouses who are already desperate to find the desired child, decide to seek help for the Lord and his saints. If people never went to Church and participate in Church life, they face many questions: Whom to pray for the birth of children? Before any icons to do this better?
- Why not go for Easter on a cemetery Orthodox The feast of Christ's Resurrection, otherwise called Easter, the most joyful day for the Orthodox Christian. It is no coincidence that this great triumph has a dominant place in the Church calendar. In the event of the resurrection of Christ centered faith for eternal life.
- How to read the Psalter at home The Psalter is a sacred book containing the Psalms, which were recorded by King David with the promptings of the Holy spirit. The reading of the Psalter at home allows you to blot out the sins, to elevate the soul and to bring angels to help.
- Why do I need to order the prayers in the temple Very often people come to the Orthodox Church not only to participate in worship, but also for ordering specific prayer commemoration of their loved ones. Prayers for the dead is one of the most popular types of remembrance of the Church people.
- What does the Crescent on the crosses of churches The hallmark of any developed religion researchers believe her characters. For Christianity is the cross, for Islam is a Crescent with a star inside. But there are some characters that make you think about probably lost the unity of the confessions, the old Christian cross pores Nikon with a Crescent at the base.
- What a Saint to pray for wealth and material prosperity Saint Spyridon of Trimyphunteia helps to convey to God the prayers of believers about the improvement of housing issues, money, successfully buying and selling property, business prosperity. He can pray for health, family welfare and procreation.
- How the saints pray for the health The disease is one of the most terrible ills that can come in each house. And sometimes traditional methods of treatment are powerless to help or that help is simply not enough. Believers for centuries in the case of the disease was not only physical help, but also spiritual support.
- What are the mother of God Among saints venerated by the Christian Church, mother of God, pious virgin who was saving a special place in God's plan to be the mother of Jesus Christ, God the Son in his human incarnation. It is not surprising that the image of this Saint were embodied in the set of icons.