The simplest form of a conversation with God is prayer at home. It is desirable to pray in front of icons, with a lighted candle. In Orthodoxy accepted to pray standing, only the sick and old people are allowed to pray sitting. Every prayer begins with the sign of the cross, which rests on the forehead, stomach, right and left shoulder. Realizing our sinfulness, we accompany prayer with the prostrations that symbolizes our honor before God. Praying, people can ask for help from God in all situations and problems. In prayer it is not right to seek worldly goods, but the right to ask for the blessings of heaven.
Angels of divine creation, linking the earthly and the heavenly worlds. Ask the angels about aid is very simple. Formulate an intention or a wish and say it aloud or to yourself. People can call on angels ' help in any situation. This is not necessarily to be "Holy" or devout, to be sure, the angels will hear you and come to help. It is best to regularly contact to the angels and not just in the crisis moments of life and then you will feel many problems and hardships pass you by.
The Central place in the life of a Christian is prayer in the Temple. Before the service, should submit a note for the remembrance of the dead and to buy candles. When we come to burn a candle need to cross, speaking to God or a Saint. For example, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner" or "Saint father Nicholas, pray to God for us." Putting candles, we join in public worship. Participation in worship should be meaningful, you need to understand to whom we pray, glorify and please the Lord and his saints. Not to be tired during the service, it is necessary to prostrate and sing in the Church choir.
Special occasions Christian believers make a vow (promise) to God. Often the vow is taken in difficult situations, when you need special help of God. Vows can be given without a material cause, for the love of God or sense of gratitude. Vows are of a different character, a pilgrimage to the Holy places, the decoration of the Church, care for the sick and the needy, sheltering the homeless, etc. Vows should be given with the blessing of the spiritual father. It should be remembered that the promise you are giving to God himself. For this reason, it is very important when choosing a vow to correctly calculate the forces and capabilities that would be able to carry it out.