What is the Zodiac sign for a man Cancer

Cancer and Taurus

This is a very convenient Union for men of Cancer. Taurus woman takes care of all the chores. Cancer appreciates the desire of its halves to create a home atmosphere of coziness and comfort. A woman feels protected and desired. Between them there is understanding and they have all the chances to be happy and to create a strong family.

Cancer and Gemini

This Union can not be called successful, but also unsuccessful too. If both partners will find the strength and will to constantly work on relationships, then they have every chance to live happily ever after. If a woman has Twins ready to make concessions, destructive conflicts in the family.

Cancer and Leo

The female lion is perfectly indecisive man-Cancer. Externally, the Union will look respectable, and others will seem like before them a perfect couple. However, if a proud female lion will oppress romantic Cancer, it can from it to escape to a more relaxing place.

Cancer and Virgo

A complicated relationship, but at successful coincidence of circumstances a possible good marriage. The virgin should be less likely to blame and to find fault with Cancer, otherwise he may start to "walk left." If the Foundation of this marriage were money, then you can be sure that these two are struggling to try to maintain their relationship despite differences.

Cancer and Scorpio

As lovers of this pair just made for each other. Passionate, vivid and memorable relationship. It was a woman-Scorpio is able to see the Cancer in this man. She admires him and makes you feel strong and fit.

However, to live together for a long time, they have little chance.

Cancer and Pisces

This harmonious Union of two people with similar aspirations and interests. The marriage of these two Zodiac signs will be long and fruitful. They will not get bored with each other.

What Zodiac sign fits the woman Cancer

Cancer and Taurus

Both partners love their home and appreciate the comfort and prosperity. Perfect and durable marriage of convenience, which is a place for deep feelings.

Cancer and Virgo

A viable and lasting Union. Cancer woman will find a man virgin precisely the qualities that will help to create a strong and friendly family, if she doesn't pay attention to his constant moralizing. In such a marriage are born happy kids. Surrounded by parental care and understanding.

Cancer and Scorpio

In intimate terms the best relationships just don't happen. The Cancer woman is a little scared of the Scorpio and is in his power. Marriage can be a long and happy if partners are prepared to frequent conflicts and violent scenes of reconciliation.

Cancer and Sagittarius

Marriage is possible, and relationships can last a very long time. However, windy and freedom-loving Sagittarius might begin to change the romantic Cancer. If a woman can survive and forgive him for it, such an Alliance can last for many years.

Cancer and Pisces

The most harmonious relationship in astrological terms. Male Fish gives no cause for jealous women Cancer. They are both extremely comfortable together.