With the wedding night, many peoples are sometimes very strange customs. In some African tribes the bride's virginity was considered a disgrace. And the blood that appears when the deprivation of virginity could bring illness to her husband. Therefore, girls were deprived of virginity the special bone with a knife or just your finger. In other tribes the bride in turn took possession of everyone. And only after that "experienced" wife could go to bed with her husband. Fortunately, today, such rituals are preserved only in a few wild tribes.
In most cultures the virginity of the bride was highly valued. In Muslim countries still preserved the tradition that after the wedding night the groom must present evidence of innocence of the bride. On display hang bed sheets with blood stains.
In seemingly civilized Europe, there was a "right of first night". And it is not owned by the bridegroom. The first night the girls were supposed to spend in the beds of the feudal lords. This applies in greater degree to the castle, the bride of the noble families of such "privileges" could be avoided. This barbarous custom lasted in some countries until the eighteenth century. But in Germany, France and Scotland from ancient times have survived another fun tradition. Friends of the bride and groom all the forces prevent the couple to be alone. Noise under the Windows, singing indecent songs, can hide in the bedroom, opened a dozen alarms. Enjoy each other newlyweds possible only after the guests get tired and fall asleep.
In the Russian tradition the wedding night was of great importance. The bride and groom were forbidden to drink intoxicating drinks during the wedding feast. B & b Bridal made in cold non-residential premises. There accompanied the newlyweds pals and matchmakers. The bride had taken his boots to the groom. This custom was not meant to humiliate the young. In one boot the groom was hiding gold and silver coins. If the bride guessed where the money she was entitled to the household budget. In pre-Christian Russia, the virginity of the bride was a phenomenon desirable, but not mandatory.
For modern steam coming from the door of the registry office, the concept of "first night" is very relative. Innocent bride is the exception rather than the rule. Most couples enter into an intimate relationship before the official registration of marriage, and no one is shocked. Some couples even have time to have a child before marriage. However, all this should not detract from the solemnity of the first night in marriage. In contrast, wedding night gives the opportunity for the couple to return to the time when they were discovered the joys of sex with each other. The audit of the gifts could wait until morning to do so, which is your wedding night – love.