You will need
  • - a pot of boiling water;
  • - spices;
  • - a bowl of cold water;
  • - the knife.
Cover the tongue with cold water and leave to vymachivanija 1.5-2 hours.
Wash pork tongue under running water using a brush. Language acquired in the supermarket, it is usually quite well crafted and has good presentation. If you bought pork tongue on the market, thoroughly clean it from muscle and sublingual tissue, lymph nodes, fat, blood, etc.
Pour water into a saucepan and place on high heat.
Wait until the water boils, and boiling water, put your swine language.
Again, wait for the boil, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat to low. Put the broth, onion, pepper, Bay leaf, salt to taste.
Boil the tongue until tender. It usually takes from a half to two hours.
After pork tongue is cooked, remove it from the pan and quickly dip into cold water.
Holding the tongue in cold water for 1-2 minutes, start to remove his skin. You can do it just hands you with a knife. Usually the skin is removed in one piece. However, if it did not work, it is easy to remove and small pieces. If the skin is removed bad, so you don't have doverili language. Will have to cook, and then repeat the procedure.
Some Housewives boil pork tongue for 20-30 minutes after they took off the skin, claiming that the meat becomes more tender and flavorful. At this stage, they add to broth spices – onion, pepper, Bay leaf, carrots.