Try to soak it several hours in cold water. After that, the unpleasant smell should disappear. Another way, which, incidentally, often used by vendors of meat is to soak the chicken in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After that, it should be thoroughly rinsed with running water.
Perfectly conceal a light musty smell that appears from chicken, various spices. You can grate the chicken carcass, garlic or finely chopped lard her teeth, and the outside cover grated. The smell will not be felt.
It is also good to use seasonings such as Basil, tarragon, marjoram, rosemary and red pepper. Strong and delicious aroma of these herbs will kill the odor of chicken meat.
If a few hours before cooking place the chicken in soy sauce mixed with lemon and a pinch of cinnamon, the smell will not be felt in the finished dish. Zamarinovat smoky carcass in vinegar or wine, can also get rid of unpleasant aroma.
If the chicken was smelly, try to podkoptit on fire. The scent of smoke will hide the unwanted smell of it.
If you are sure that the meat is not damaged, RUB the chicken with salt and leave for a few hours. After that, rinse off the salt, and the carcass, prepare as usual, adding the seasonings and garlic.
It is known that the flour absorbs the smell. Try a good rinse chicken under running water and then coat with the flour. Then leave for half an hour, and then rinse with water. After that you can before cooking-marinated chicken in the juice of several lemons.
If boil chicken broth, add some cardamom. It will kill the odor. Onions, carrots and spices, for example, the roots of the greens in the broth will also help to get rid of the flavor. And when braising or roasting meat, add a seasoning of curry.
Useful advice
We should be careful with eating food. Perhaps if meat has an unpleasant smell, it is better not to risk and throw it out. After all, an unpleasant odor may be a sign of decomposition of the protein, and then masking the smell will not save you from possible health complications. If you have the slightest suspicion that the meat is spoiled, don't use it in food.