If you purchased a frozen liver, I try to shoot her film, not defrosting a piece. Rather, it should be only slightly thawed, then the process of removing the film is easy enough. Pre-piece of the liver should be well washed with water. After removal of the film and final thawing, rinse again.
If you want to clear from films cooled the liver, the procedure will be slightly different. Liver rinse thoroughly in running cold water. Put it on for 2-3 minutes in warm water. Then remove from the water and put a piece of liver on a cutting Board, one side will separate (cut) a small section of the film. Put your thumb between the liver and film, and, carefully separating the tape, remove it from the whole piece.
Some Housewives recommended before removing the film to sprinkle the surface of a piece of liver large table salt and lightly rubbed. It also facilitates the process of removing the tapes with the liver.
If you got a piece of liver with a large number of large veins, we will have them able to delete, that they do not violate the delicate structure of the finished dish. To clean the liver from the veins, have it in smaller pieces, cutting it along the bile ducts and blood vessels. Opened thus film-veined remove, carefully separating them from the liver, cutting with a sharp knife.
For separation of membranes from porcine liver following recommendations. Or put a piece of liver in hot water for 20-30 seconds, or scald it with boiling water. After this procedure the film can be easily separated from the liver in the manner described above (p.2).
Useful advice
If you prepare liver pate, pancakes or liver cake, in this case, the pre-film and streaks can not be removed. Just wipe the cooked liver through a sieve, and all the unnecessary film separate from it themselves.