You will need
- musical instrument, a poem, a dictionary of the English language, knowledge of English grammar
Start with writing the lyrics. Write the poem first in Russian language. Then translate it into English. Of course, you have to know English at least at a basic level to make the transfer. Look in the library or the bookseller publishing interesting English poet in the language of the original. You will see that the rhyme - concept internationally. If you plan to use it in the lyrics of the song to work with it in the same way as you work with rhyme in the Russian language. Pick words that resonate in the endings, for example, verbal rhymes, or search for harmony within words to create internal rhyme.

Try to avoid cliches and common places in the text of your song. Do not use banal rhymes and meanings. If you can't find the right expression, use the dictionary, search for a hint in the Internet or consult with friends who know English.

The English language is rather "melodious", so it will be easy to be sung. Pick up the chords under your penned text. If you already have experience in songwriting, you will have no difficulty to compose the music for songs in any language. By the way,you can go in reverse order - first compose the melody, and it is to write words.

Don't worry if the translation you will have to replace a few words, it is normal practice when translating a text. The main thing is to keep the main meaning of the utterance.
Useful advice
Work on your pronunciation, it is difficult to listen to songs with a strong accent. When singing, the emphasis is smoothed a bit, but I suggest you include English songs and sing along with the performer. So you can work on pronunciation and develop their performing abilities.