You will need
    • Steaks of salmon
    • Olive oil
    • Lemon
    • A blend of Italian herbs
    • White pepper
    • Salt
    • Sour cream
    • Soy sauce
    • Curry
Buy steaks of salmon. Choose chilled steaks: after cooking, they will be juicier than frozen. Instead of steak it is possible to take a whole salmon, and then home to chop the fish crosswise into steaks 2-3 cm thick
Make a marinade. To do this, mix olive oil, lemon juice, white pepper, salt and a mixture of dry Italian herbs. This mixture of herbs you can buy in the supermarket or make your own. As a rule, it includes nutmeg, Basil, rosemary, oregano and thyme. For a pound of steak usually leaves juice of 1 lemon and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Salt and spices are added to taste.
Slather each salmon steak the marinade, place in container and refrigerate. Soak fish in marinade for 1-2 hours.
While the fish is marinating, prepare the sauce for the salmon steak. For one steak of salmon of medium size mixing 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and ¼ teaspoon of curry.
The easiest way to cook salmon steak in the pan. Pour into the pan with olive oil and preheat it well. Put in the pan the steaks and sear on high heat each side of the steak for 30 seconds. Then reduce the heat and fry each side for 4-5 minutes until tender. Flip the fish carefully, otherwise the steaks can fall apart.
If possible, you can cook a salmon steak on the grill. Put the marinated steaks on the grill and cook them on each side until cooked. By the time it will take approximately 10-15 minutes. While steaks are baking on the grill, don't forget to water them the remains of the marinade. This will help to maintain the juiciness of the steaks.
Serve the finished steaks of salmon on lettuce. Decorate the fish with slices of lemon and pour the previously prepared sauce.