You will need
- sugar – 2 kg;
- black currant – 1 kg.
First, enjoy a selection of grapes that will be used for cooking jam. At this stage it is necessary to pay attention to the ripeness of the berries. Not recommended for making jam to use overripe or spoiled berries, it is better to give preference to strong and slightly unripe berries.
Then rinse the berries, remove dirt and debris. Rinse the berries through a sieve is better.
Place the berries in a saucepan and mash them thoroughly with a wooden spoon so that they gave the juice.
Black currant pour 1 kg of sugar, mix thoroughly, put on medium heat and cook for 25-30 minutes. So the jam doesn't burn, you need to constantly stir.
Remove berries from heat and put in a cool place for about 10 hours.
The cooled mass was again put on medium heat, stir and add 1 kg of sugar.
Continue to cook the jam for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Prepare banks. To do this, rinse them thoroughly, pour over boiling water, Pat dry and if necessary, calcined in a hot oven. If you are going to store the jam for a long time, it is possible to just put in clean jars.
Spread jam on the banks and without covering with the lids, leave for a day so he could cool down. Then cover and leave in a dark cool place.
You have a bright, thick, juicy and incredibly delicious jam.
Useful advice
Black currant contains a sufficient amount of pectin, since it has no extra additives well acquires a gelatinous consistency;
Make sure that during the cooking jam is a good precipates not only in the center but at the edges.
Make sure that during the cooking jam is a good precipates not only in the center but at the edges.