If you are unsure whether you fit the fiery redhead, an experiment using a toning balm. It will stain the hair without the participation of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which will help to wash off the paint after 1-2 weeks. Usually tint balms are quite affordable. As soon as the hair color will become less saturated, partially down, you can paint hair other means. Wait for the complete paint removers needed only if you did not like.
Get persistent color the right shade of red. When you choose listen to the advice of professionals and user reviews. Whatever color intensity you prefer, remember that the final result largely depends on the initial data of the hair. To and hair is much easier to get rich red, fiery, Sunny colors. The black paint offset by the dark color and may appear only in a nice copper or Burgundy tint. Because the original dark color of the hair requires pre-lightening, painted the brunettes will need to have a procedure washes.
Such a serious experiment, painting curls in bright red, requires hand of the master, because the correct solution would be to go to a good salon. At home high risk of getting uneven unexpected result, if not a wild shade. Especially to professional assistance is needed if the hair has already been colored.
At home, perhaps you can experiment with natural dyes. Fiery-red color is easily achievable after use henna red or orange. In compliance with the instructions on the package, your hairstyle can really Shine copper-red shade, but it is unlikely you will achieve a deep red or Burgundy notes. Finally, be aware that henna on the hair lasts a long time, tends to fade a bit after 4-6 weeks, and it is difficult to bear any resistant paint. Deciding to make fire with henna, do not neglect the secrets of color enhancement. To get a fiery red glow, replace the boiling water, which is required to dissolve the powder, warmed beet juice. You can also make henna strong infusion of chamomile and before applying it on hair pour into the paste, one teaspoon of turmeric and paprika.

Unnatural, aggressive hair shades such as bright red, fiery-redhead, add a year old and rarely worn by women over 40.
Useful advice
Paint red and bright red colors fade and discolor faster than the rest. And therefore require more frequent usage. Therefore, the shades of red are suitable only for healthy, thick hair. Solar whimsical color to the shampoo – will have to employ special masks and conditioners for colored hair.