Medical institutions
  • How to sign up to local therapist
  • How to enroll in the clinic
  • How to recognize sexually transmitted diseases
  • How to get to the allergist
  • At what period do the second ultrasound during pregnancy
  • How to get to mammologist
  • In any sanatoriums in Russia they treat diseases of the thyroid
  • Where and when do abortion
  • How is a vaginal exam Teens
  • How to pass the clinical analysis of blood
  • How to go to the hospital
  • How to identify venereal disease
  • Where in Moscow a good treat Allergy
  • What country is considered to be the best medicine
  • How to change the clinic
  • How to identify staph
  • How to make an appointment with the cardiologist
  • How to file a complaint with the administration of health
  • What is the physical examination of the female
  • How to call a pediatrician
  • Where in Kharkov can be tested for HIV
  • Hospices in Moscow
  • How to read test results
  • How to enroll a child in reception to the pediatrician
  • How to be tested for thyroid hormones
  • How to pass the medical examination
  • In what sanatoria of Russia to treat skin diseases
  • How to call a doctor home
  • How to find a dermatologist
  • Where in Moscow to be vaccinated against rubella adult