Where do vaccination

If there is a need to be vaccinated against rubella, you should contact your local therapist at a local clinic.
There are five types of vaccines against rubella. It's Croatian, Indian, French "Rudebox" and two combined vaccine "Priorix" and MMRII.
But vaccines often does not happen in the clinic and is not expected in the future. In such cases, people turn to private medical centers. Only should go there prepared for the absence in the organism of antibodies to rubella.

Quickly and without problems, the vaccine can be done in the Central vaccination point. This centre offers a vaccination with the design of an international certificate, which is good when going abroad. The center is located at Trubnaya St., 19, p. 1, reference phone: +7 (495) 621 94 65. You can also call the doctor and be vaccinated at home. For this procedure, please call the phone +7 (495) 621 23 70. The center is open weekdays from 8:00 to 20:00. Every third Saturday of the month is a working day from 9:00 to 14:00.

Vaccinated against rubella, an adult can put in the "research Institute of vaccines and sera them. Mechnikov", located on the street Small Breech lane, 5A. All questions you should ask by phone +7 (495) 917 08 91. Nieves is open weekdays from 9:00 to 18:30.

Also to be vaccinated are offered in the "Central research Institute of epidemiology", in his division of the "Center of molecular diagnostics". To book an appointment by multichannel phone +7 (495) 788 00 01. The center is located at street novogireevskaya, 3A. Questions to ask at the email address — info@cmd-online.ru. Takes center daily from 7:30 on weekdays open until 20:00, Saturday until 19:00, Sunday until 17:00.

In the centre, please ring to make an appointment. The therapist should measure the temperature, look at the General condition and then send to the vaccine.
The price of vaccinations and the procedure of vaccination does not exceed 1000 p. of Course, vaccination can be done in private centers cheaper and faster. But the state centers are unshakeable good reputation, years of experience and inspire more confidence.

Preparation for vaccination

Vaccination against rubella for women of childbearing age before pregnancy and men up to 40 years to avoid the circulation of rubella virus in the community.

If a person suffers from allergies, have chronic illnesses and neurological diseases, vaccination should be done during complete remission of disease and to monitor the status of the injection. After vaccination, women should not become pregnant for 3 months.

Vaccination is easily tolerated when a half-starved condition and restriction of food intake, especially allergic. It is also necessary to minimize contact with people to avoid all colds.