You will need
  • - prepared the syrup from the fruit of the carob tree;
  • - tea, dining or dessert spoon;
  • - a glass;
  • - warm water.
The syrup is made mainly in Cyprus and exported to all countries of the world, although carob tree grows widely throughout the Mediterranean. The syrup contains tannins, a number of organic acids, pectin, mucilage, starch, protein, all the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, sugar.
In countries where growing carob syrup is used in the form of treats, in particular, they poured over the pancakes, hash Browns, pastries, added to tea, coffee, water. Syrup has no contraindications and can be used by all without restriction.
In Russia, the syrup of the carob tree used in medicine in the compositions of the various preparations and in folk medicine as a remedy that helps with cough, sore throat, and colds. For deducing from an organism of slags and toxins, diarrhea, poisoning, nervous disorders and sleep disorders.
For the treatment of diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders, detoxification of toxins, adults should take 1 tablespoon of the syrup 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals, with diarrhea instead of food. Children from two to five years – 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. From five to 12 years – 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day. Children up to two years syrup is not recommended.
For the treatment of angina, colds, flu, SARS, acute respiratory infections, these doses of syrup, diluted in a glass of hot water (60 degree) and apply 5-6 times a day.
For nervous disorders, sleep disorders, headaches, neurological, take 1 tablespoon of syrup 5-6 times a day for three months. Then you need to take a break for 14 days and continue taking the syrup.
In the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry mainly used the gum for stabilization of drugs. In particular, gum carob is part of the curds of almost all manufacturers, as well as of wrinkles creams, gels, serums.