1. If you have very severe acne that lasts a long time, be sure to consult a dermatologist. Most likely, you will assign tests on sex hormones and the results will determine the treatment. It can be special ointments, hormones, vitamins, brewer's yeast, or elimination of acne with a laser.

2. At home acne can be gotten rid of by means of pharmaceutical means. For example, badyagi, which should be applied on the pimples for half an hour and then rinse. Tar or soap with which to wash his back and shoulders every night. After the skin is cleaned with degtyarka, you can fix the result and to anoint all the pimples solution of potassium permanganate or ordinary alcohol.

3. Well dries the skin a sunbed or natural sun. Alternate sunbathing with the sea. Or, if the sea is not around, just add in plain water cosmetic sea salt or apply to back and shoulders body mask with marine algae.

4. Some types of pimples on the skin are response the body's response to food stimulation. Try to carry at least a couple of weeks food diary, recording everything I ate for the day, and keep track of the condition of the skin. So you will understand what products you should refrain. If a diary no time, just eliminate from the diet of chocolate, citrus and fatty, fried foods.

Please note:
Often the rash back acne is aggravated due to the fact that the skin does not breathe under the tight synthetic clothing. Try to wear only natural fabrics such as cotton. And be sure to take a shower every night with a cleansing means for the entire body.
Useful tips:
Choose lotions and creams for the skin with oils of tea tree. They dried the pimples.
Often the rash back acne is aggravated due to the fact that the skin does not breathe under the tight synthetic clothing. Try to wear only natural fabrics such as cotton. And be sure to take a shower every night with a cleansing means for the entire body.
Useful tips:
Choose lotions and creams for the skin with oils of tea tree. They dried the pimples.