Prepare the infusion is very effective against vascular asterisks from the seeds of Datura. To do this, pour half a liter coronarienne alcohol 90 grams of ripe seeds of Datura. For 2 weeks, put in a cool dark place. Every day shake the mixture. Take the infusion daily for about half an hour before Breakfast in the following way. The first day on a glass of water, add 5 drops. Then every day add another five drops. That is, the second day, take 10 drops, the third day – 15. Once the number of drops will be equal to 25, stop to increase it. The course of treatment is a month. Every six months is recommended to repeat it.
Spider veins on the legs perfectly dissolves alcohol tincture on flowers of acacia. For its preparation take about 4 tablespoons of flowers of acacia. During the week they insist on 100 ml of 70% alcohol. After that strain. Affected areas on the body RUB every day until the complete disappearance of stars.
Next, prepare a compress from a wormwood with yogurt for the treatment of veins on legs. Grind until mushy state in a mortar a tablespoon of flower heads and fresh leaves of wormwood. Add one tablespoon of yogurt. Mix everything carefully. The resulting composition, apply it on the affected area. On top of the slurry to achieve the best effect, apply compression paper and wrap with a bandage. Conduct the above procedure for 3-4 days. If necessary, repeat in a week.
Spider veins are the result of stagnation of blood. To avoid it, perform simple physical exercises. Do leg swings, the rotation of the feet, some little jumps on the spot.
Useful advice
Do not wear narrow shoes and tight jeans, and sit, crossing her legs.