First of all, identify the cause of increased pigmentation. Perhaps it is caused by the inappropriate use of antiperspirants, improper care, fungus disease or other adverse factors. Try to eliminate them, otherwise the bleach will be in vain.
Choose a good cosmetics that will suit you perfectly. They should not cause even the slightest discomfort.
To whiten the skin in the armpits will help regular proper care of it, exfoliating with the use of special scrub and exfoliating. Avoid using harsh cosmetics and treatments. For example, a deodorant may irritate the skin much stronger than pot.
Use cosmetics, which is composed of components with whitening effect. For example, cucumber extract, white clay.
Take advantage of our special bleaching remedies for underarms that are sold in pharmacies. For example, a cream with uv-protectionAchromin". It should be used regularly, not allowing interruptions.
Add the children's cream a drop or two of lemon essential oil and apply it regularly on the skin in the underarms. You can also prepare a lotion, diluted essential oil in small amount of water.
Among folk remedies another very effective hydrogen peroxide with a small amount of water. The resulting composition it is necessary to moisten a cotton ball and advanced it to lather.
Gently clean the area of increased pigmentation several times within an hour. Then thoroughly rinse the skin with cool water and apply cream. To resort to the described procedure should be one to two times a week.
To whiten the skin in the armpits, first consult with a specialist. Consult a dermatologist for advice. He will give you recommendations and advice on which tool is most suitable.