You will need
  • lemon juice
  • - egg whites
  • - water
  • - sugar
  • - cucumbers
  • - berries
Reasons why there is a desire to whiten the skin of the face may be many, and not always just a whim of the mind of women, sometimes bleaching – a necessary measure. A bad sunburn, dark spots, uneven complexion, and freckles, which sometimes does not cause admiration and emotion for its quantity.
Attempts to whiten the skin, not to cover up the deficiencies of nature for cosmetics, commendable, as frequent use of cosmetics can lead to fast aging of the skin, clogging, flaking, and many other undesirable consequences. And moderate bleaching, especially folk remedies, not only give you smooth skin, but also make a positive impact on her.
To whiten skin in home conditions is not as difficult as it may show in the beginning, and most importantly, not as expensive as in beauty salons, where, in fact, be doing almost the same routine as at home, but only using tools with strange names and an alarming price.
The most effective in bleaching citric acid. Try to mix the lemon juice, egg white, two teaspoons of water and a teaspoon of sugar, bringing the mixture until smooth. The resulting mixture apply evenly to cleansed skin and leave on for 30 minutes, after which rinse with just warm water and moisten the skin cream. After 7 treatments with a frequency of once every two days you will see the result.
When does strawberry season, you can make a mask of strawberries or strawberries with cream. Contained in the berries acid as well whitens the skin and gives it a healthy look. Simply crush the berries and apply the pulp on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water and moisturize.
To whiten skin in home conditions can cucumbers, grated grated and mixed with sour cream - 20-30 minutes once a day will quickly result. A lot of ways, the main thing to be concerned with process.