Every evening, after coming from the street, the suede shoes should be cleaned. This can be done with a brush for shoes, dipped in a solution of water, soap and a few drops of ammonia. After you clean the shoes with this mixture need to clean it with cold water and leave to dry, but in any case not the battery.

If suede shoes or boots a little Shine in some places, again it will help the ammonia. Soak in ammonia solution cotton swab and wipe become shiny places. You can also hold the shoes over the steam, or rubbing with an eraser.

Stains from suede shoes can be removed with gasoline or talc. You just need to wipe the contaminated area with gasoline or sprinkle it with a TV (it absorbs grease). Then the footwear should be left alone for a few hours and then brush it.

The rough and dirty spots on suede shoes can also be cleaned with milk. Mix half a Cup of milk with 2 drops of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Apply the solution to space pollution, wipe. Shoes will be clean.