First check the material for colorfastness. To do this, drip a little money for nail Polish remover (you can also use regular acetone) on a cloth in the invisible place: the seam, fold or bend. If the fabric color will not change under the influence of money, you can try to remove spots, not fearing to spoil the clothes. Use liquid nail Polish remover, removing stains from acetate or fluorescent fabrics is not recommended, as acetone is contained in it, may damage the material or violate the color of the fabric.
Take a cotton swab or a disk and soak it nail Polish remover. Carefully, using a cotton swab, wipe the contaminated nail tissue. When this nail lacquer will partially dissolve and wash away, left on a cotton swab.
If the clothes are light in colour and the varnish was bright, contrasting colors, probably, after treatment with acetone on the fabric will remain minor marks and stains. From them you can also get rid of. Moisten a cotton pad or sponge with a small amount of gasoline and thoroughly wipe the treated location. You can then sprinkle the spot treatment baby powder.
Traces of aluminum powder included in the composition of varnishes for the nails, remove with tissue using glycerine. To do this, apply a little glycerin on the stained varnish section of the cloth.
To completely get rid of the remaining streaks on the fabric, soak the clothes for a couple of hours with a small amount of washing powder in water, valid for this material temperature. Then wash clothing in the washing machine.
In order to permanently remove stains from nail Polish with a white cloth, when washed, you can use bleach. Before you add bleach, be sure to check out the recommended clothes washing parameters indicated on the label, so as not to disturb the composition or color of the material.