If the mold appeared on the white linen, woolen or cotton fabrics, then display it better only household soap or detergent "News". To do this, soak the thing in soapy water, then wash it. After washing, you must bleach the product with hydrogen peroxide. In one liter of water add one tablespoon of peroxide. For these purposes, perfect, and ammonia. The proportions of the components will be slightly different: a teaspoon of ammonia to a glass of water.
Another simple method to remove mold stains on cotton fabric. Grind to a powder dry chalk. A thin layer cover the spot. On top of it, you must put blotting paper. Then several times in a row you need at the location of the spot to spend a warm iron. The stain should disappear.
If spots appeared on silk fabrics or wool that cannot be washed, then you can display them by using turpentine. Liberally moisten a cotton swab in turpentine, brush them a spot. Then cover it with a thin layer of dry clay. Then you need to repeat the same steps as in the second step. Namely iron through a blotting paper and iron the fabric. If the fabric is white, then after these procedures as well moisten it with hydrogen peroxide, then rinse the product in warm water.
If the mold is touched, colored and dyed fabric, they need to process ammonia. However, it is worth noting that it can change the color of some fabrics. Therefore, before using check out how the fabric will react to the ammonia in a separate piece, or just in an inconspicuous place.
Naturally, fresh stains from mold to bring the easiest. For this you will need the juice of onion or plain yogurt. Them several times and wipe the stain. After this treatment, you will need to wash in hot water product.