You will need
  • -gasoline, kerosene or acetone
  • -stain remover
  • -piece of soap
  • -washing powder
  • -unnecessary rag
Put the stain on the reverse side of the fabric dense a rag and saturate the paint with gasoline or kerosene. To display the paint with light things can use acetone, but on the bright tissues is better not to experiment with the use of this substance. The composition of the acetone is different from kerosene and white spirit, and can eat away the pigment from the garment. After the paint has dissolved (if the stain was old), RUB it with a clean rag soaked in used. Try to scrub as best you can, you need to completely remove the paint, but the color is not always deleted corrosive substances.
Lather the treatment area with plain soap and carefully RUB. Rinse and see whether all the pigment from the paint down completely. If not, take the stain remover and treat the stain. Chlorine bleach, suitable for white clothes, but the modern oxygen without optical brighteners can be used for colored fabrics.
Wash jeans the same way you. If you wash in the machine, pre-asterite spot again on his hands. Washing machine washes dirt, but stubborn stains can not cope. Add a little more than normal washing powder. After washing, evaluate the results and, if you are not satisfied, repeat the already completed the previous procedure again. Usually even the strongest paints can not withstand the onslaught and removed.