To get rid of the rust spots can help hydroinsulator potassium. The secret of exposure to the substance that when applied to rust, it turns into hydroinsulator of iron, which is excellently soluble in warm water. To make hydroinsulator potassium simply. To do this, mix 1 Cup water, 2 tablespoons of oxalic acid and 1 tablespoon of potash. The latter can be replaced by baking soda, but the only effect of this will be much lower.
There is and the easiest way of dealing with stains of rust on clothes. To do this, take a small slice of lemon and wrapped it in a piece of gauze, apply to the stain and cauterized with a hot iron.
In order to remove a stain of rust, immerse the contaminated area for 5-6 minutes in preheated 90 degree acetic acid solution (2 tablespoons to 1 Cup water). Then wash the fabric with ammonia solution (1 tablespoon ammonia in 2 liters of water).
Rust stains from suede can be removed with a brush dipped in an aqueous solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon ammonia to 5 tablespoons of water). Then wipe with a cloth with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar solution (1 teaspoon vinegar in 1 litre of water).
Do not try to remove spots of rust with soap or powder. Unfortunately, they are not able to cope with this task, but to "smear" the spot easily.
Useful advice
Before removing rust stains from white fabric is to treat it first with hydrogen peroxide or a dry Persol.