You will need
  • - lemon
  • Sol
  • the sun
  • - bleach
  • - strong cleanser
  • - vodka
  • - ascorbic acid
Spots of mold on the clothes not only look unattractive, they pose a serious threat to the health of others. Therefore, the diseased tissue should be subjected to thorough processing.
It is best to deal with mold help home remedies such as lemons and salt. Dampen a spot of mold with lemon juice, allow to act for about 5 minutes, then sprinkle the top with salt. Leave the product to dry completely. Better if you can put it outside on a Sunny day. Then wash clothing with strong powder at a temperature not less than 60°C. the white linen from natural fabrics can be further influenced with bleach or any other bleaching agent.
For the following method dissolve ascorbic acid in a small amount of vodka or alcohol. 50 ml of liquid you need one sachet of pharmacy askorbinki. Apply the mixture on the stain of the mold, let it dry, treat the stain with a brush and send exactly the same thing in the car for a thorough washing.
You can find different drugs against mold, Use them, not deviating from the instructions on the jar. If the mold proves too stubborn, not wanting to succumb to your efforts, ruthlessly dispose of the thing. Mold is not only unhealthy, it also multiplies rapidly. Regretting one single thing, you can lose all the wardrobe. Mold just simply you'll have to take it. Don't let her.