You will need
  • In vinegar, iron,gauze, soap, pumice, Newspapers.
So the first method: use water and vinegar.

Pour in a basin of warm water and dissolve in it a small amount of vinegar. Soak the thing in water. Then, without rinsing, gently squeeze and dry. After this procedure, a small lesion will become invisible.
Second method: use soap and gauze.

If the damage to clothing is significant, take a small piece of gauze and pre-soaked, lather it. Squeeze cheesecloth to remove excess soap and water. Then, through her neatly smooth out the spoiled product. If the Shine is gone, moisten the cheesecloth with water and vinegar and repeat the procedure.
Third method: use a pumice stone.

Take a pumice stone and carefully spread it on the shiny spot on the clothes. Fully in this way, the gloss can not be removed, but a decent view of your favorite things you will be able to return.
Sometimes experienced hostess Pat shiny items through the newspaper. This should be done very carefully so as not to leave traces of ink on things.
To avoid damage to clothes in the future, its just ironed on the reverse side. And if ugly glitter is still there, add in a spray of iron a solution of water and vinegar and, using the steam function continue Ironing. Your clothes will be saved.
In any situation we can find a solution. Using the ways of getting rid of abandoned iron Shine, you will long to wear your favorite things, and delight appearance yourself and others.