Bleach with special concentrated means. If the Laundry is yellowed from frequent washings or from time to time, it is possible to use this method, carefully following the instructions printed on the package. Linen white suit universal powder, for color special powder for colored clothes without bleach or mild detergent.
Yellowed synthetics white will podsinee methylene blue. It is at least for a little while (until next wash), but it's very effective.
If the thing faded badly and handy tools do not help, try to repaint it. In specialty stores have sufficient choice of colorants, after which the thing will be like new. If your abilities are in doubt, it is better to give the thing dry-cleaned for painting.
Among the popular ways of correcting the problem the following: ten gallons of water you need to add two bubbles of ammonia. All olinala paint coming off and what remains is the original color. In some cases, enough and cold water, in others it is necessary to warm up. Working with ammonia requires safety precautions.
Soak the thing overnight in a solution of Vanish or similar soft tool. The result promises to be always positive but hope to save things there.
Try the tool to restore accidentally dyed fabrics or color restorer 3 in 1. Such cures are produced by many manufacturers. You can find them in a large shop or supermarket.