To select a tool, contact your gynecologist. If necessary, go through an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and give blood tests. After receiving the results, discuss with your doctor the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Irregular sexual contacts and lack of a permanent partner use barrier method of contraception. A condom will protect you not only from unwanted pregnancy but also from all sorts of sexually transmitted diseases.
If you live a regular sexual life and not have children, consider chemical, and hormonal contraception. Use spermicides topically in the form of a vaginal candles or tablets as well as creams. Strictly follow the instructions for timing of administration of the drug, then their efficiency reaches 85%. Note that when using these tools, you are not immune from the risk of Contracting sexual infections. This method is suitable for those who have a permanent partner.
The tools of choice of hormonal contraception for nulliparous women are monophasic progestin drugs, the so-called "mini saw". They contain a small concentration of progesterone, their effectiveness is over 99%. Before taking the pill, consult your doctor, because hormonal drug and contra-indications. Such means are not shown for women with cardiovascular disease, with liver disease, the presence of tumors or systemic diseases. Take them strictly according to instructions, preferably at the same time. Skipping pills can lead to undesirable consequences.
If you already have children, use of hormonal contraceptives or mechanical method of installation of IUDs. This protection from unwanted pregnancy has its advantages. Spiral is entered once for several years, during which preserves the properties. No need to worry about the pill, we need only 2 times a year to visit a gynecologist to check the correct location of the contraceptive. The disadvantage of this method is the possible trauma of the walls of the uterus, however, when properly installed, this phenomenon is extremely rare.
If you no longer plan to have children, use a surgical method of tubal ligation. The operation is performed laparoscopically, with no abdominal incision. On day 3, the woman discharged. Tubal ligation is performed once, the recovery of permeability after manipulation is impossible. It is an absolute guarantee against unwanted pregnancy until the end of life.