You will need
- The parents ' passports, birth certificate of all children, without reference to the place of residence of children and parents, marriage certificate, divorce, paternity, 3x4 photo of the parent who will be issued a certificate of large family (it depends on who of the parents of registered children). The letter from the SSA the other parent that he has not received a certificate of a large family. Photocopies of all documents.
Call the regional Department of social Welfare at the place of residence of your children and find out their human entire list of documents for obtaining the status having many children, as well as days and hours.

Make a list of all the necessary documents and collect the documents on the list. If all the children are registered in different places (and it happens) you will have to take residency certificates from all locations. Make all documents photocopies.

A set day will appear with the full package of documents to the Welfare office and bring all documents. It's not necessary to come to both parents. Enough one parent, who will be issued the document. You will immediately be given a temporary certificate of having many children, and after some time (from several days to one month) you will receive a certificate and the official status of a large family.

In any case, do not know the list of documents on the Internet or from friends. Information may not be accurate or outdated. Learn directly from your Social security.
Useful advice
Photocopies of documents do in duplicate. Insure themselves.