To prevent the appearance of warts can only be strict adherence to personal hygiene, including frequent hand washing with soap and water.
I see the warts have a baby by using pharmaceutical means. The pharmacy can buy the perfect drug to combat warts, which is called "Celandine". It is a concentrated extract, using which regularly, you can bring even large plantar warts. The main thing is to apply it strictly according to instructions. The output of the wart celandine painful and rather long process.
To painless to bring warts from the child, you should consult a doctor, as self medication or the wrong wart treatment can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.
The most effective and commonly used method of treatment of warts is their removal. Today for the removal of warts using a variety of techniques which are selected depending on where the wart is located and its type. Some methods may entail complications, for example, after the laser removal warts may remain scars.
Clinics often carried out painless removal of warts in the following ways:- electrocoagulation – is carried out on modern equipment using high frequency current. The current raises tissue temperature, thereby dying of the virus, and warts are destroyed;- cryotherapy is a painless burning warts with liquid nitrogen. This method is less painful and quite simple. It does not form cicatricial changes of the skin and not in contact with the blood. Therefore, we can immediately eliminate the threat of virus infection.