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  • How to obtain a certificate of good conduct
    If you are going to study abroad or plan to apply for a prestigious job in an international company, to enter into a marriage with a foreigner, to issue citizenship, you may be asked to provide a certificate about your lack of a criminal record.
  • How to re-register the car for the wife
    In accordance with the Civil and Family codes, property owned by the couple, is their joint property. While property acquired before marriage or received by one spouse as a gift, is the personal property of one spouse.
  • How to set up a register of documents
    Documents – an integral part of any clerical work at the company or organization, regardless of, it is private or public. The documents are filled, sorted, transmitted, received, etc. In case of documents a few, just need to make the registry - this will not only simplify the work of clerks and other categories of workers (economists, accountants, etc.), but also employees of other organizations, if they accept you send the documents.
  • How to obtain French citizenship
    For one reason or another (change of residence, marriage with a citizen of another country, etc.) it happens that people change residence and need to obtain citizenship and registration on the territory of another state, but faced with this problem, I do not know where to go and what actions to take. This article is devoted to the acquisition of French nationality and tells you how to obtain French citizenship quickly without waste of time and effort.
  • How to register an invention
    According to Russian legislation, it is possible to obtain a patent (the state registration) on the invention or utility model. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. The registration of a utility model takes about six months, but only applicable for new technical solutions in the field of devices and mechanisms. In addition, the application for a utility model does not pass the state examination for novelty, so can easily be challenged by other stakeholders. Registration of the invention can be applied to devices and methods that lasts about a year and a half since undergoing a complex inspection. The patent for the invention is a more secure document. Pending possible conversion of the application for utility model into application for invention and Vice versa.
  • How to change the passport without a residence permit
    There is an urgent need to replace passportsand registration of place of residence (residence permit) you do not have? It's real, according to the current legislation, people wishing to obtain orchange a passportare not required to have a residence permit.
  • How to send passport by mail
    Sometimes you need to forward identity documents. Is this possible, and what steps you need to take to send the passport by mail?
  • How to return not like goods
    In the store you have measured carefully examined for "smooth lines" and the country, which produces accessories, and even called my mom, they say, to take – not to take. Bought, but at home you product like. How to get him back and get a refund?
  • How to write a letter of justices of the peace
    To appeal to the world court to protect their interests today may apply to any citizen without having to arrange for such treatment with the help of experienced lawyers. Since the procedure of appeal to the courts of first instance is simplified to ensure the availability of controversial issues in a simplified manner. Most important is the right to make a claim statement in accordance with current legislation.
  • How to remove the arrest from the accounts
    The imposition of arrest on the taxpayer's accounts - very unpleasant as the courts on the claims of counterparties and tax authorities. Suspension of operations on accounts means the full or partial blocking. This measure is applied in order to punish the taxpayer due to violation of the deadline for the submission of the Declaration for more than 10 days, and also as a result of non-execution of requirements about transfer of the amounts of tax debt.
  • How to make an inheritance if there is no evidence
    The certificate of right to inheritance is a legal document which allows the successor to enter into the inheritance by law or by will. The certificate is issued by the notary after 6 months from the date of opening of the inheritance. What if the certificate of right to inheritance is not received or lost?
  • How to return the appliances to the shop
    Appliances returned to store for different reasons. Someone is not satisfied with published by washing machine noise, someone found the oven cheaper and more powerful, and someone like color cleaner. The sellers themselves seem to not mind returns, because they say that you can return the item within 14 days. However, in reality the situation is not so simple.
  • How to write meeting minutes
    At the end of the meeting you should draw up a Protocolto fix the agenda of the meeting, the decisions made, the conditions under which they are carried out. the Protocol it is important to execute immediately after the meetingand not postpone "on then". Well, if you keep the Protocol can professional Secretary. However, if it's not, this can work and other persons who know certain rules of Protocols meetings.
  • How to file a motion in court
    The application allows you to protect your rights involved in the case to individuals with the ability, under the Civil and Arbitration codes of the Russian Federation. The petition is essentially an appeal to the court, the wishes of the judge or requirement to the opposite side. It may state party to the present case, the representative or authorized person (with notarized power of attorney). There are rules of submission of the application, which should be strictly observed.
  • How to write an application and to protect the rights of the consumer
    Who is not familiar with the situation when you buy in the store something, bring it home and instead of joy experience a disappointment – in the process of exploitation begin to "come out" hidden flaws? What to do in this case? Of course, to protect their rights of the consumer. This will help the recommendations below.
  • How to fill out an application for deregistration
    The statement about removing the vehicle from the account filled in the prescribed form on an approved form.The owner fills only the front side of the application, the downside Blanca is filled by the police inspector.
  • As to the decision of the arbitration court
    Currently, there is an electronic Bank of all decisions of the arbitration courts and courts of General jurisdiction of Russia, so to see their texts on the official websites of the judiciary. However, often there are situations when a judicial act must have the paper with all the stamps stamped on entry into force, seals and signatures of judges.
  • How to write minutes of the meeting of the Commission
    Protocol is an official document that is needed for an accurate recording of what is happening in the discussion. Now the protocols are maintained even at business meetings and negotiations. This document contains sequential records of all the topics on the Commission of matters and decisions in chronological order. If you ever have to deal with logging, remember that the drafting of this document takes place in several stages.
  • How to apply for charitable aid
    If you have the opportunity to help disadvantaged people, do it. To issue charitable assistance is not so difficult as it seems at first glance.
  • How to get help forms 9
    Certificate form 9 - a document which contains information about a registered housing people. Without it it is difficult to sell the apartment, to privatize and to make other real estate transaction. To it simply enough.
  • How to register by mail
    In Russia, every foreign citizen within three working days must register their place of stay. The Russians can stay without registration in a residential area other than their principal residence, three months, and then are also required to register. The registration process facilitates the possibility of sending the application and all necessary documents by mail.
  • How to prosecute for libel
    The Constitution of the Russian Federation stated that the dignity of every citizen of our country is protected by the state, and nothing can be the cause for her humiliation. Slander is a violation of constitutional rights, and therefore, it is possible to bring to criminal responsibility.
  • How to apply for a Russian citizenship
    Citizenship is one of the most important legal institutions. In fact, it is a set of mutual rights and duties of man and the state. Being a citizen of any country, you not only get protection, but bear mutual responsibility.
  • How to make rifles
    Every hunter wants to know not only where the sitting pheasant, but how to get permission or a license to carry and purchase weapons, including a rifle used for hunting big game.
  • How to assign inventory numbers
    Ensure that your enterprise could start work and use fixed assets in their activities, they take into account. The OS unit of accounting is inventory item. It is understood as an object complete with all accessories to perform specific functions. If it has several parts that have different timing on the beneficial properties, these parts will be considered as separate inventory object. For the implementation of accounting and control security of OS all inventory objects are assigned inventory numbers, denoted by attaching metal tags, paint, etc.
  • How to place an order on the change order
    Often in organizations when there is good reason, first of all there is a legal need of any change in previously issued orders. In order to avoid conflicts and disputes in the future, it should be done legally correct. So what are the main points which should contain the order on amendments to previously issued an order?
  • How to write a letter of explanation for the injury
    Unfortunately, from personal injury at home or at work no one is immune. But between the injury and the injury occurred in the home, there is a big difference. Work injury is considered as an accident, for consideration which involved the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) and the labour Inspectorate. The victim in this case is charged not only the money required for sick leave and additional payments.
  • How to achieve a major overhaul from the housing office
    Rules concerning housing and communal services differ a certain vagueness. Because of her many decades of waiting for major repair of houses, but Hoo remained silent. The fight against Hoo in some cases even reaching court. Here are a few ways to get Zhekov capital repair of your house.
  • How to write a memo about the increase
    To increase the wages of some employee the personnel office will need to undertake a number of changes in the remuneration system, accompanying them with creating new documents and amending current regulations. The initiative must come from the immediate supervisor of the structural unit, which are prepared change. In the first stage, it should be a document addressed to senior management, representing the need to increase pay of a particular employee.
  • As to housing a veteran of the fighting
    All persons who have the identity of the participants of combat actions, and had the benefits of the extraordinary and the priority right to receive apartments from the state until March 2005. After the entry into force of the new Housing code all privileges removed. The Minister of regional development presented a report to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that all obligations to the veterans and participants of hostilities that stood in a privileged place before 2005, is executed, but for individuals who are applying at the present time, amendments were made to the law. In accordance with changes in benefits, provision of housing is left.