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  • How to change the permissions, if you changed the name
    After a change of name to change the documents, including a driver's license. To retake the driving test is not necessary. Collect the documents and go to the state inspection of safety of traffic of the area.
  • How to get the liner on citizenship
    How to get the liner on citizenship of the child is the issue of concern, almost every second citizen of Russia, because the passport is now simply necessary thing, for both adults and children. A passport proves the nationality of the person when he is in other States, therefore, before issuing such passport identity card and verification of his citizenship on the documents. For an adult it's very simple, it is enough to provide their domestic passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, but for individuals who have not attained the age of majority, here is a slightly different procedure.
  • How to check passport authenticity
    Today, anyone can check the validity of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation in online mode. This service is provided by the Federal Migration Service of Russia on its website. To use it is not difficult, while respecting the confidentiality of the transferred data of the passport.
  • How to get a certificate of ownership
    The certificate of ownership is issued in the state registration centre for unified registration of real estate objects on the basis of submitted documents. Before you apply there, you need to prepare and collect the documents of existing property.
  • How to obtain a certificate from the BTI
    To carry out any legal actions with real estate, there is a need to take the help of Bureau of technical inventory. Often, in order to obtain the necessary certificate, you must call technical staff of the BTI for the inspection of buildings and preparation of new technical documentation or to make changes in already made a cadastral passport for it.
  • How to get a patent on the work
    Obtaining a patent in use is often called the transition of the individual entrepreneur to the simplified system of taxation based on the patent. This frees the entrepreneur from many of the procedures related to reporting and often reduces the tax burden. But relies this indulgence not to all and not applicable in every region.
  • How to register the child's father
    Child can register at the place of registration of the father and mother. When separate registration of the father and mother of the child being prescribed for any residence. The other was in the apartment of persons for the implementation of the registration of the child is not required. Including without the consent of the owner of the apartment. The fact that the parent of the child registered on this living space enough for the residence of a minor child in the flat.
  • How to recover a birth certificate
    When we lose a document, there is a lot of questions. How to restore it, where to go, how much it costs. Especially if it's a certificate of birth is the first document which we have at the beginning of our life journey. If your certificate of birth was lost or fell into disrepair - our guide will help you to recover the document.
  • How to make a deal the purchase
    When the transaction of purchase and sale need to consider many aspects. Not right perfect the transaction is deemed not legally valid and the purchased property can be taken away. When buying, check all the documents of the seller, and documents on sold property. The contract of purchase and sale need to be in the notary office and it should draw a practising notary.
  • How to register a purchased apartment
    The existence of the right of ownership of the flat iron serves as the basis for registration at the place of residence, and the old registration in it. However, the contract of purchase and sale of housing is not enough, you have to first register their right to it in the territorial Department of Rosreestr. And ask him to contact the housing office or directly to FMS.
  • How to change a birth certificate
    Each of us will face different situations in life, and sometimes, we are faced with the need to change the birth certificate. If the certificate is lost, it's useless if you need to change the name, or the name, to make changes in information about the mother or father, put a dash in the column "father" - you need to perform certain actions.
  • How to get a divorce in the registry office
    If your family life is not formed, and you decide to get a divorce – the best divorce in the registry office. This is the easiest way to divorce that does not require a lot of time, effort and nerves. In some cases, you can receive a divorce through the Registrar's office and how to do it?
  • How to write a man of privatized apartments
    The owner of the privatized apartments may, at its discretion, to prescribe for their living space and to write of it anyone. And he is not required to obtain permission from other residents in his housing people. However, if he wishes to remove from registration any of the residents in his apartment, he needs to submit to the court on the discharge of the person. The court shall consider the petition and, in the absence of the persons own rights to use the apartment, decides to discharge him.
  • How to register the land in the property if it is rental
    Land held in lease, it is better to issue in the property. It will have to collect necessary documents and to coordinate permission for the registration of ownership with the lessor or with local authorities. Every citizen has the right once in a lifetime to make leasehold land in the property without making payment for the land. When the design is taken only fee for registration and documents prescribed by law.
  • How to write a letter for child support
    By law, parents must support their minor children regardless of whether they live with them or not and even in the case of deprivation of parental rights. The amount of alimony and the date of their payment can be made by mutual consent. If you are for this agreement is not reached, it is necessary to present to the court a statement of claim a statement about the accrual of child support enforcement.
  • How to apply for guardianship to grandmother
    Guardianship of an elderly person may be issued in the form of patronage. If the person is completely incapacitated and suffers from a mental disorder that is issued full custody. When making any form of guardianship is necessary to apply to the body of guardianship and guardianship, and incapacity of the older person additionally apply to the court to conduct a medical and psychiatric examination. To get it to make the elderly person is impossible. Everything is done by voluntary agreement.
  • How to get a divorce in the registry office
    To formalize the divorce in the registry office only if you have first no children; second, if both husband and wife agree that your family life then meaningless; third, if you peacefully agree among themselves on the division of property and do not have each other material claims. Then the registry offices is simply to legalize your separation. How is it done?
  • How to make a claim
    To win the case in court, it is very important to properly execute a claim statement. Misfiled the claim, first, not to accept, and secondly, in the statement of claim the plaintiff sets out all the requirements and shows proof. From how they are presented, depends largely on the outcome of the process.
  • How to calculate maternity payments
    Calculation of maternity benefits is determined on the basis of the Federal law of 29.12.2006 N 255-FZ. From 1 January 2011 came into force the Federal law No. 343-FZ of 08.12.2010 on changes governing the calculation of benefits. Maternity leave lasts for 140 days (if you had a difficult birth, the leave is increased to 156 days, if you had two or more children increases to 194 days). Maternity payments are paid in total. They do not depend on length of service and number of days used before childbirth.
  • As to number agreement
    Current legislation does not contain strict requirements for numbering contracts. So the principles that you lay at its Foundation should be determined by considerations of convenience for you and partner. Room contract must assign one who puts it account. In other words, the supplier of goods or the provision of reimbursable services. Exception - contract with individuals.
  • How to write a response in court
    Feature – the official review of official, social and working life of a specific person. For writing characteristics do not exist regulated by the rules. It gives a brief description of the career path, business, moral qualities of labor and social activities. Characterization is the representative of the administration, the supervisor puts his signature and affixed the official seal of the organization.
  • How to appeal against the decision of the court
    If you do not agree with the decision of the court in the case in which you were held as one of the stakeholders, you have 10 days to appeal against it in higher court. To do this you must submit to the office of the courtwhere the case was heard, the appeal.
  • How to write a statement to the police on neighbors
    If you for any reason have to get a neighbor, you can take action and write the application in militia. Waiting for the next noisy nights call the outfit of the police. To refuse the call they are not eligible. Can invite the district to rein in neighbours. If helps nothing, then write a collective statement from the residents, who also pester these neighbors.
  • How to write a complaint to the Prosecutor
    Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to appeal to the Prosecutor any actions that consider inappropriate. Depending on which provisions of the current legislation the Agency deems violated, it may make the idea of bringing the provisions into conformity with the law or to initiate criminal proceedings.
  • How to obtain a residence permit in Russia
    Look at the residence in Russia gives foreigners the right to permanent residence in any region of the country, the device to work without special permission throughout the country and pensions. Its design also serves as an obligatory stage on the path to Russian citizenship. To apply for a residence permit after a year of stay in Russia with temporary residence permit.
  • How to know the cadastral number
    Cadastral number of the land or facility (building) may need, if necessary, agreements on land transactions and other real property, filing of documents in state bodies. To know the cadastral number of an object property via the Internet.
  • How to fill correctly
    Any employment relationship must be documented. To fill correctly the contract is not difficult, important to follow the basic principles.
  • How to get a lump sum on the child
    At birth the child's lump sum allowance. Its payment is guaranteed by Federal law and is produced from the social insurance Fund. To complete and you can get it at the place of work or study of one of the parents. For non working parents on social protection (social security), at the place of registration of the child. For Moscow residents pay an additional lump sum benefit.
  • How to get out of the founders
    The output of the founder among the founders is regulated by the Federal Law "On limited liability companies". It is at the request of the owner or by sale of shares to other founders or to third parties.
  • How to write a rationale
    Rationale — the facts and materials that serve as the basis for making decisions about filing a claim in court or direction of the claim. The legal reasoning is references to normative-legal acts regulating specific legal relations.Justification — facts and evidence based on which set of circumstances relevant to the case.