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- How to complete the act of decommissioning Sooner or later, things at the company are deteriorating, they have to be written off. Just the thing, standing on a balance sheet, to throw in any case can not be to issue the act on the cancellation. Proper documentation will allow to avoid problems during the inventory.
- How to charge interest on the loan agreement Loan funds may be accompanied by the registration of the loan agreement. In this case, this contract shall be the agreed amount of the loan, what is the term given this sum and under what percentage obligations. As a rule, is set annual interest rate and calculation of interest on the loan on a monthly basis.
- How to write a claim for shoes A new pair of shoes might be a good acquisition, and can be a source of unforeseen problems, if you were not careful enough or marriage emerged soon after purchase. In any case, you may take advantage of the warranty issued by the seller to replace the shoes or refund. For this, first and foremost, you should make a claim on the quality of the product and to contact the trading organization where you purchased the shoes.
- How to pay the fine for expired passport The passport, as is almost any document that has an expiration date. In accordance with the law it can be changed upon reaching 20 and 45 years, and this must be done within 10 days from the day of birth. in the case of missing replacement timing document Federal migration service has the right to impose on a citizen a fine in accordance with the Administrative code.
- How to write a letter of termination Before, submit a claim statement about the termination of the contract in court, you should try to settle issues with the partner. The civil code of the Russian Federation reglamentary rules termination or change of contracts (Chapter 29). For example, the agreement may be terminated as by mutual agreement (clause 1 of article 450), and unilaterally (item 2 of article 450).
- How to pick up the child from his ex-wife In accordance with article No. 61 of the Family Code, parents have equal rights to the child and perform equal duties according to his education and support. When parents divorce, the child remains to live with one of them, often with the mother. If the father wants to take child yourself, this can be done by the court, if the mother violates article No. 65 of the RF IC. It also takes account of the opinion of the child in accordance with article 57 of the RF IC, if the child has reached 10 years of age.
- How to write a statement for roof repair "The rules of content of common property in an apartment house" taken 13.08.2006, by Resolution No. 491 of the Government of the Russian Federation, stated that the roof is to the total assets (item B of article 2), and the service and maintenance of the roof in normal condition should implement the housing Department (p. 16). Management companies are responsible to the owners for improper maintenance of the common property (p. 42). So if you have a flat the roof leaked, the statement you must contact your housing Department. And as soon as possible.
- How to land a young family According to the Land code, land for housing authorities may provide only for consideration and at auction. However, according to the same code of the local authorities of subjects of Federation can establish the right of certain categories of citizens to receive free plots for individual housing construction.
- How to get child Russian citizenship Citizenship is a stable relationship between man and the state, the mutual rights and obligations. Citizenship can be obtained by birth, by place of birth or depending on what it is the parents. In Russia, the citizenship of the child depends on the parents. In addition, citizenship can be purchased, subject to certain rules, for example, stays a certain time on the territory of the country.
- How to make the Protocol on the treaties In any organization, during working process, enter into contracts, which are paid by certain work, shopping or services. Usually treaties are signed by two parties and have legal force for the whole period of their validity. But sometimes there is a need to amend the document and it requires preparation of a separate Protocol differences.
- How to appeal against the decision about refusal in excitation of criminal case Very often, unscrupulous law enforcement officials unlawfully refused to initiate a criminal case on your statement. Despite this, you can always challenge the decision of the investigator.
- How to recover a lost birth certificate The certificate of birth is an important document that accompanies man from birth to death. Such legal transactions like purchase and sale of real estate, pension, loan or passport can not be made without the presentation of a birth certificate. If you have lost your birth certificate, you should restore it. And better to do it as quickly as possible.
- How to arrange a room for an anniversary The anniversary is a solemn event, and therefore the approach to the design of the hall we need serious and thoughtful. The room doesn't have to be challenging, catchy and to be stylish and elegant. Competently embellished the interior leaves a more vivid impression of the holiday and the jubilee, and guests.
- How to write an application for the repair of the entrance When tenants run out of patience and they don't want to hear any more promises about the imminent repair of the entrance from the President of the HOA or Management company, it is time to take decisive action. But even if you are willing to defend to the end his innocence in this endless dispute, do not rush to prepare the statement of claim in court. There should go only armed with written evidence of your appeals in public service.
- How to find a good lawyer It is no secret that the success of the case in court depends on how legally competent participant of the case is its position. Therefore, people who do not want to take risks, have long understood that the assistance of counsel is not a waste of money and a lawyer you need to hire the first available, and guaranteed good. With what yardstick to approach the person you trust the fate of your business?
- How to write a statement on fraud Fraud is one of the types of criminal offences that falls under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A statement about the crime (fraud) can be submitted in written form and orally. The statement orally issued the relevant Protocol, with indication of the applicant and documents certifying his identity. The Protocol shall be certified by the personal signature of the applicant.
- How to write a letter of guarantee for payment At the conclusion of the transaction of purchase and sale or the contract on rendering of services, often the shipment of products or the beginning of contract work is happening without payment. Deferral of payment is granted to the customer on the basis of a business letter that contains the financial obligation to pay the received values in a specified period. This letter relates to the warranty and is, in fact, a credit form, confirming the intention of the borrower to settle the debt.
- How to put on the record at the time of registration If you decide to relocate or just go for temporary or seasonal work in another city where you have no residence, with private car, then you have to go through a number of procedures for registration of a temporary accounting. And since the bureaucratic system of today is a labyrinth of the Minotaur, then get ready mentally for the fact that the event is a long and protriptyline.
- How to represent interests in court Judicial process is always for the uninitiated, a complicated and nervous, which is why many people prefer doing business to trust to the representative, with this role not necessarily a lawyer or a professional lawyer. The representative may be any competent person who is required to know the procedural rules.
- How to withdraw from military records Be removed from the military account most often required when moving to a new place of residence, it may be temporary, for example, in connection with the work. Even defined the term for withdrawal – not more than 3 months.
- How to make a certificate of ownership The certificate on the right of ownership shall be executed on the immovable property after registration of documents. Without evidence it is impossible to sell the property, donate, exchange, bequeath. In order to formalize this document, you must perform the following steps to apply to the state registration centre for unified registration of real property rights.
- How to write a letter to the Director For direct access to the Director of the company, there are a lot of reasons. Almost all the statements are addressed to the organizations or treatment of employees to resolve internal issues, you need to write in the name of the Manager. These are the rules adopted document approved by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. For example, it is impossible to achieve a solution on the contentious issue from the service organization without personally composed statement. In order to correctly write need to know a few rules of its registration.
- How to renew a passport The concept of "reissuance of a passport" may include several categories. This renewal of the passport of the transaction, the passport of the vehicle and the passport of Russia. So, today we consider the problem of renewal on the example of the passport of the Russian Federation. Quite often it is this writing, however, from a legal point of view, wise to sound the "exchange passports" or "replacement passport".
- How to obtain subsidies for the construction of Gratuitous subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing are regulated by the RF Government decree No. 1278 dated 10.12.1993. To their citizens who are in the queue for housing or improvement of living conditions. Accordingly, in order to have the possibility to grant state aid, you must get in the queue, submitting a number of documents in the local municipality.
- How to make changes in the Charter The company can be many different reasons for changes of the Charter - change', review of order of withdrawal of a participant from the company and much more. For registration changes, you must hold a General meeting of participants (shareholders) of the company to accept these changes and register them at the tax office.
- How to open legal services In today's world there is always a need of seeking help from professionals. To be able to provide legal services, you can open your own company or register as an individual entrepreneur. Organizational form depends on what activities the firm is going to implement.
- How to make a power of attorney for child Traveling with a baby troublesome. After all, you need to collect many different documents. If you are with the father of the child in a divorce, it must consent to taking the baby out of the country. If you want to send your son or daughter to foreign sea with grandparents, without a warrant, too, anywhere.
- How to cancel a contract of donation The contract of donation may be terminated at the request of the donor. And the court such cases provide. So if you signed someone the deed, and then changed his mind for a number of reasons, you can cancel the deal.
- How to cancel child support Regularly appear in courts all new claims with the requirement to involve the parents to pay child support. Thereto have all become accustomed. But there are situations when filing a claim with a request to cancel the alimony. And such requirements are, at times, there are also lawful.
- How to issue a receipt on transfer of money Any transfer of cash funds shall be accompanied by the registration of the relevant documents. Confirmation of the receipt of money particular person is personally writing a handwritten receipt. In the event of disputes the receipt is the main proof of receipt of money.