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  • How to assure the receipt
    The receipt is a very important document, which takes the least time but gives you a reliable guarantee for the settlement of many trades and cash conflicts. The receipt has the full legal power, therefore, does not require notarization. If you are not confident in the integrity of the person with whom the deal or the loan amount exceeds 10 minimum salaries, then reassure her by a notary to be sure.
  • How to go to work in the us
    Despite all the financial and energy crises, the United States today - one of the most attractive countries for immigration. A lot of people looking for opportunities to go to USA to work, study or just live. However, like any other developed country, the United States is closely monitoring the flow of immigrants. Therefore, in order to be able to work in this country, have to work hard.
  • How to learn about the availability of the passport in Moscow
    Usually the approximate time of production of a passport saying when you receive the documents. However, these dates are the maximum and "hot" season can be one month. If the period of production of a passportand is of key importance, it is possible to apply for expedited passport or just to regularly monitor its availability.
  • How to know the land owner
    Sometimes ordinary citizens have a need to find the owner of that particular plot of land. Reasons can be different, for example, you need permission from the neighbours for the privatization of a private land plotand the neighbouring plot is abandoned. Or do you plan to rent a few square meters of urban land or to carry out other manipulations, and the owner is unknown. Anyway, good to know that you can always get the information you need about the land and its owner, contacting the appropriate authorities.
  • How do I know who the car is registered
    Car owners happen to get into trouble. For example, when selling a car by power of attorney, the buyer undertakes to purchase it, and then suddenly the seller have a receipt for vehicle tax or a fine. Or there are cases of incorrect (to put it mildly) behaviour of traffic participants (hitting, cutting, minor traffic violations), when the guilty driver fled, not wishing to explain. There is a fair question: how do I know who registered this car?
  • How to take the shoes back to the store
    Buying shoes – the procedure is very sensitive. Because sometimes it so happens that the store fitting went well, but at home you begin to reap any shoes, or is that the pad is very uncomfortable. How to be in this case? Many suffer torment and continue to wear uncomfortable shoes because of the false sense of shame, which does not allow them to take it back. Actually return uncomfortable shoes can and should be.
  • How to check the passport series and
    A passport is every citizen of our country. This is the basic document for identification in Russia. You need it in banks, universities, hospitals and wherever possible. Without it you can not start a savings account, you will not be able to get a job, and the apartment you rent will not either. And one of the most necessary passport data are the number and series. So the question is, how can they know where to look, very popular.
  • How to calculate sick days
    Under the new law, which entered into force on 1 January 2011, the calculation of sick leave and the payment is made under the new rules. So, wednesdny earnings is taken for 24 months, not 12 as before. And to share it is always necessary for the number of calendar days during the 24 months, regardless of how many days people actually worked. The employer pays from its own funds the first 3 days of sick leave previously, this value was equal to two. On the reverse side of a leaf of invalidity should be made reliable information about the employee's salary during the 24 months preceding the occurrence of disability.
  • How to record the statements
    In accordance with the Labor Code and the established order of document circulation any statement the employee must be registered as an internal document. The registration statement is a career employee or Secretary of the company with the appropriate authority at the time of its submission. The admission of statements recorded in a log book, depending on the kind of the received statements. Upon receipt of the document by registered mail to the address registered as an incoming document.
  • How to know what sued
    Party has the right to obtain information about the case and copies of the documents available in case materials. Failure to provide information about claims that have been detrimental to the procedural interests of the Respondent. Such action can be committed intentionally or because of unfair execution of duties by staff of the court. If handed a subpoena was unclear what the dispute, proceed as follows:
  • How to get citizenship of Poland
    Poland is a country in Central Europe, which is a full member of the EU since 2004. Citizens of Poland have the right to visa-free travel to the EU countries, on a long-term residence and work in these countries. To obtain citizenship in Poland can only legally persons under the Law on repatriation.
  • How to know what tax I am
    Find out what you depend on as a taxpayer, you can use the official website of the Federal tax service of Russia. The search form link located on the home page, will give not only the number of your tax, but also all the information about her address and hours of operation. The alternative is to call your regional office of FNS of Russia.
  • How to obtain Finnish citizenship
    All matters related to the receipt and recovery of Finnish citizenship are regulated by Law on Citizenship of Finland, which operates in the territory of the country from 01.06.2003. To obtain Finnish citizenship in three ways: automatically, according to the statement on the petition.
  • How to get citizenship in Sweden
    Issues associated with acquisition, restoration, and loss of Swedish citizenship, are examined in the Nationality Law of Sweden. The basic principle of acquiring citizenship is the principle of kinship. The law on Citizenship has undergone significant changes in 2001, when the ban was lifted for the second citizenship. In this article we will discuss the procedure for obtaining citizenship of Sweden on various grounds.
  • How to find who registered in the apartment
    Check-in, and as usual, registration is mandatory for all Russian citizens and visitors. Register of citizens bodies of the Federal migration service through the passport registration officer, available in each TSZH, ZHEU or a management company. To find out who is registered in a particular apartment, you need to contact either the FMS or to the passport office.
  • How to do a check officially
    Change the place of residence of a citizen of Russia for seven days should stand on registration at the place of residence or place of stay. Registration is of a notifying character, is made by territorial bodies of the Federal migration service.
  • How to prove that I'm not working
    Often for certain benefits or other purposes the person needs to prove that he is not working, and there are a couple of ways. The main evidence is a work-book, which is in humans. Working people it is kept in the personnel Department of the enterprise.
  • How to restore your military ID
    Restore lost documents where they were issued. If you lose a military ID should contact the recruiting office where you were registered to, write a statement about the loss of military ID and present all replacement of the document.
  • How to renew a medical insurance policy
    All free medical aid to the population is paid from the budget, which is financed by the compulsory medical insurance funds. For any medical services paid the money. In order to receive these services without paying out of pocket, you need to have a medical policy of obligatory medical insurance. If the period of insurance has ended and the policy is not renewed, the money for health care will not come at the expense of the institution that provided assistance, and they Fund the salaries of health staff, purchase of equipment and utilities maintenance of the medical institutions. Nobody wants to work for free.
  • How to drive out tenants
    Rent an apartment to rent should legally correct, you must draw up a contract. It clearly indicate the term of the lease, the amount and date of payment, all the conditions and penalties in case of breach of contract. To write passport data of the tenants and their data. For the surrender of apartments for rent you have to pay tax, which is 15% of the rental cost. If all the rules you will not have problems, and if they still appear, then you will act by legal means.
  • How to obtain certificate of ownership of the apartment
    Certificate of ownership of the apartment - an important document on the basis of registration by place of residence and stay in owned housing, different transactions with him and other actions. To receive it is necessary to refer to the territorial division of Rosreestr.
  • How to conclude a contract with an individual
    Consolidation of various legal relations in the field of business is the conclusion of the contractand. Among all the made in Russia of contracts, a significant percentage is just contracts with individuals. However, the conclusion of contracts with individuals has certain characteristics.
  • How to register in privatized apartment
    The notorious housing issue has spoiled not only Muscovites. Most people somehow live in fear of losing a residence permit. Moreover, to register in a privatized apartment from year to year becomes more difficult.
  • How to make yourself a used car
    The procedure of registration of used car doesn't differ from the design of the new. As evidence of their right to the property you're registered in STSI of the contract of purchase and sale of cars, the deed or other document. Set of other documents are universal for all occasions.
  • How to change patronymic child
    Change patronymic child write an application to the Department for registration of acts of civil status at the place of residence or the place of registration of birth. Required to collect the documents and obtain notarized permission to change the middle name of both parents. If one of parents is deprived of parental rights, need the permission of bodies of guardianship and guardianship. In case of disagreement of one of parents to change the middle name – the court's decision. Often, the court denies the right of changing the patronymic of the child.
  • How to sell alcohol
    Sale of alcoholic products – the best in Russia the area of retail trade. Alcohol was popular among us always. If the sale of alcohol was a matter only of the state, now the situation has changed dramatically. Now, the sale of alcohol – the case of the merchants, and it is yielding good dividends – due to the constant demand. However, please note that the sale of alcoholic products imposed mass legal restrictions. You want to get a lot of special documents. How to sell alcohol legally?
  • How to apply for paternity
    For registration of the paternity of a man who is not married to the mother of the child, must apply to the Registrar. The application must be filed together with the mother of the child. The entry of the father is made immediately after the birth of a child and registration of birth in the organs recording acts of civil status. If the child has reached the age of majority, to issue paternity can only with his personal consent.
  • How to make an invitation for a foreigner in Russia
    If you need to invite to Russia foreign citizen will have to apply to the FMS with the necessary documents. To see which unit will provide you with this service, you can in the regional Department of the Federal migration service or territorial division that serves your home address.
  • How to put the apartment on account of
    After the purchase of the apartment registration of rights of ownership it is necessary to put the property on the cadastral account of the BTI. In the cadastral passport is fixed the fact of transfer of ownership and fits the new name of the property owner.
  • How to split the bill in a privatized apartment
    Any property that is in the hands of several owners, may be issued as to the definition of a share and joint property. If there is a need to separate personal accounts in a privatized apartment, this can be done only with shared ownership.