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  • How to obtain court records
    The Protocol is conducted at each hearing in the courts of first instance and shall be compiled for each separate procedural action. In the Protocol recorded information on the hearing (orders of the presiding judge, the testimony of witnesses, the content of judicial debate and so on). Responsible for the content of the Protocol of judicial meeting are the Chairman and Secretary of the judicial session. To receive the minutes of the court session there is a certain procedure.
  • How to write a complaint about the inaction of the bailiff
    Currently, people are increasingly turning to the court for resolution of various issues. The bailiffs, in turn, must ensure compliance with the issued court order. Increasingly, citizens are forced to seek a responsible judicial police officers-executors, to ask about the performance of their duties, but the employees of the Department remain indifferent. How to get the Marshal to do execution of the court order? Undoubtedly, you should write a complaint to the inaction of the judicial bailiff.
  • How to get a Ukrainian passport
    A passport is a document that confirms the identity and citizenship of its owner. Every citizen of Ukraine must have their own passport. He is issued the passport service only upon reaching 16 years of age. This simple process can take a lot of time and effort, if you do not know all the subtleties and nuances.
  • How to appeal the Protocol of administrative offence
    Meeting with the inspector, which ended for the driver of a car drawing up of the Protocolmay develop in two ways: people in the traffic police comes and takes a receipt to pay the fine or to challenge your offense. With the admission of guilt, no question, but what should you need to complain, you need to understand in details.
  • How to privatize the apartment under a contract of employment
    Privatization of housing is a free transfer of premises from the state or municipal funds in private property. The room, decorated under the contract of social hiring, as well as other state or municipal housing, can be privatized, according to the law of the Russian Federation No. 1541-1 dated 04.07.1991 G. "On privatization of housing Fund in the Russian Federation".
  • How to get the "kids" money
    The improvement of the demographic situation in the country is one of the priorities of the state. In recent years, the Russian legislation made numerous amendments and changes relating to the procedure and support pregnant women and mothers. What cash payments are eligible pregnant women and mothers, and how to get them?
  • How to issue a power of attorney at the notary
    The situation when the person you trust acts on your behalf, is a very common from the transfer of the right of management by car to retrieve money and make real estate transactions. In these cases, attorneys of persons acting under power of attorney - a written document issued on behalf of one party to another, representing its interests.
  • How to appeal against the verdict
    For the requirement changes to a sentence or to cancel a number of grounds on which these procedures can be carried out. If the case is sent for additional investigation to the Prosecutor, the court of first instance or a new trial, it is necessary to specify what violations were committed and what actions should be taken.
  • How to pay land tax
    Land, like any other object belonging to a certain person, is subject to taxation. And because payments for it the state needs to produce on time and in full. Here only not all know how to calculate and where to pay it.
  • How to obtain a duplicate marriage certificate
    Certificate marriagee – it is a document that the couple get to the registry office at the time of the marriage. In fact, this is the first family document of the pair. What to do if a certificate after a certain time is lost how to restore it to duplicate?
  • How to fill out a form Р14001 of change of the Director
    In accordance with the legislation, information about the Director of the enterprise shall be entered into the Unified state register of legal entities (EGRUL). The procedure to date is simplified. If earlier it was required to submit to the tax authority an application form, a copy of the employment contract with the Director, minutes of the General meeting (or decision), now it is necessary to send to the tax only form Р14001. Fill the form Р14001 simply, the main thing – not to miss certain moments.
  • How to change the year of birth in the passport
    The passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation is the main document proving the identity. It is produced in 14 years, change in 20 years and 45 years. In the rest of the time, the passport can be changed when you marry and change your name. If the document contains errors, in accordance with the RF Government Resolution No. 828 of 8 July 97 - year passport can be replaced at the request of the owner stating the reason.
  • How to register a cash register
    Cash registers must be registered in tax inspections in a place of accounting of the individual entrepreneur or company. Further cash machines are included in the State register, thus completing the process of registration.
  • How to arrange the sale of the asset
    The sale of the basic means of the enterprise, its cost must be deducted from accounting. It is beneficial for the organization, as in this case, the amount of tax on the assets of the company will be reduced. And if there is even unused, for example, vehicle tax is still charged.
  • How to certify a copy of the Charter
    The Charter refers to the founding documents of the enterprise and sets the rules and the conduct of its business in any area or field. His copy can request various organizations and institutions for various purposes, for example, the Bank for opening an account or for a loan, business partners - negotiation of contracts. To certify a copy of the Charter in several ways. Requirements for certification will be determined on the basis of where you need to provide a copy.
  • How to register the copyright of the song
    Copyright is one of the most difficult and delicate questions of law. The law is not always on the side of the one who created the work, but always support someone with a creative product was at the beginning. Fortunately, most of the authors in advance stored evidence of their superiority.
  • How to make the inheritance according to the law
    To make the inheritance according to the law in that case, if there is no will. In this case, guided by the regulatory provisions of part IV of the RF Civil Code and the Law on notaries. These documents contain rules that determine the basis for acceptance of the inheritance, the order of processing and precedence of the heirs.
  • How to make an application to the contract
    At the conclusion of the contract of sale of goods or the provision of services is often necessary to specify additional details of the transaction that are impossible or inconvenient (due to the large volume) to place in the main text of the document. This can be a technical task, specification, turnaround time, cost of goods, payment procedure, etc. In this case, it is issued the application on one or more sheets, which will be an integral part of the contract.
  • How to recruit citizen of Ukraine
    The order of acceptance for work of Ukrainian citizens the same as citizens of other CIS countries who do not require a visa to enter Russia, except for citizens of Belarus equal in rights to the Russians. The same sequence of your actions depends on yourself offer work Ukrainian solves your housing problem or with your help. The current legislation allows him to apply for a work permit without your participation. And the employer if necessary to put the foreign worker on the migratory account in a room that is officially considered uninhabited.
  • How to make deed to son
    Deed is issued in most cases when you need to pass someone of the relatives rights of owning property or property. Usually, so do the parents, so that children do not have to later pay tax when you join the legacy.
  • How to amend the Charter of the institution
    In business and legal practice quite often there are changes of names and addresses of the limited liability company. Consider in few words the procedure for filling the forms if you change the name or address in the LLC Charter, or any other legal entity.
  • How to make household characteristics
    Characteristics of residence or household characteristics may be requested by the child or lawyers, if we are talking about adoption, establishing guardianship over a minor child or on parole from prison. It is written in free form and signed by those who live near you. In any case, the more signatures the neighbors you will be able to collect under it, the better.
  • How to put the balance of the building
    If the building is not listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise or organization and are not considered in any documents, respectively, such building is not taxed. And consequently it is hidden from taxation and is in use firms or other legal persons is illegal. Such actions violate norms of the legislation and can have a bad impact on the users of such building. Any building after the acquisition of the property should be put on record.
  • How to register for housing
    Get on the account for receipt of housing does not mean that you still get. The number of people in these queues is growing every day, and the commissioning of housing in recent years has decreased significantly. Besides, there are a lot of categories of citizens having the priority right to housing. Therefore, if you categories of beneficiaries do not belong, get ready for a very long wait and complicated bureaucratic red tape.
  • How to write from the apartment of the daughter
    In many people's lives, there are times when loved ones fade into the background, betray friends, relatives and loved ones become enemies. Unfortunately, to live with them under one roof is no longer possible. That is why we have to go to extreme measures and to sue in court for eviction of the former husband, wife or even daughter.
  • How to write a statement about the change of name
    At birth man is given a name. The name is our identity, we choose it's parents, sometimes wanting to give us some character traits. Name – it is our roots, our family values. But in life there are moments when we need or want to change the name. The law allows you to do this subject to certain conditions and procedures.
  • How to avoid liability of the guarantor
    The guarantor of the loan carries the same liability to the Bank as borrower. If the borrower cannot repay the loan, the obligations of the payment are passed on to the guarantor. Guarantors may be few, they are equally responsible to the Bank, unless otherwise stipulated by surety agreement.
  • How to recognize housing emergency
    16 million square meters - as emergency housing there, according to experts, in Russia. Of these, about 10 million are accounted for by blocks of flats. The procedure of recognition of the housing dilapidated and unfit for living quite difficult.
  • How to apply for the paternity rights waiver
    According to the law of the Russian Federation parents have the duty to maintain their children and education, voluntary avoidance of fatherhood legislation does not provide for a procedure for the refusal of fatherhood, even if the person expresses a voluntary wish. But in principle it is workable, but only by court order. To opt out on fatherhood, you must write a petition to the court of the place of residence of the defendant and to collect the necessary documents.
  • What if you don't sign a letter of resignation
    It can happen to anyone. Great worker don't want to let go and procrastinate in the hope that he will suddenly change his mind to leave or prepare for a package deals. A bad employee the boss may want to fire under, and not release on their own. There are many other reasons. For example, there is simply no replacement and have to wait for the next specialist. And whatever the reasons, this situation is unpleasant for the retiring, but not hopeless.