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  • How to write a statement about the division of property
    Before you file such a statement to the court, that should consider the fact that the decision of this important matter amicably can significantly save not only your nerves, time and money, but also help to stay with the former spouse in the most friendly relations.
  • How to apply to the labour Inspectorate
    If the employer violated the labor laws, the employee has the right to file a complaint with the Commission on labour disputes or labour inspection.
  • How to write additional agreement to the contract
    The correct drafting of legal documents requires a serious approach. You need to arm expertise to comprehensively study the issue of registration of those or other public relations.
  • How to call a notary on the house
    The list of reasons for going to the notary is quite long and eachhome of us occasionally have to use such legal services. This can be the registration of powers of attorney, certification of authenticity of signatures or certification of accuracy of translation of documents, providing evidence and many more. And all these actions are typically performed in the notary's office. But what if there is no physical possibility for a meeting in the office? In this case, you can call the notary on the house.
  • How to delay divorce
    Bracorazvodnye process – the procedure is always unpleasant and sometimes unwelcome to one of the spouses. When both husband and wife agree to divorce and have agreed on the division of property and the rights of the child, the separation will not be long. But in the case where one spouse against the divorce, he may try to tighten it with the help of several simple methods.
  • How to make the ownership of a cooperative apartment
    Cooperative apartments have become part of our life in 1924. It was then for the first time adopted a resolution stating that citizens can participate in the construction of their own homes. To become the owner of this apartment, I had to pay a Pai of a specific size. Now, to cooperative dwelling moved into your property, you need to fulfill several conditions.
  • How to execute a supplemental agreement to the contract
    The documents are important, clarity and certainty. So when you make a contractand or agreement you need to be careful. The correct preparation of the documents allows to avoid serious mistakes and misunderstandings, and also largely determines the outcome of a possible trial.
  • How to register an Association
    The Foundation for the establishment of the Association is the Federal law on Noncommercial organizations" from 1996 №7-FZ, in which the terms "Association" and "Union" are treated as synonyms. Also the activities of associations are regulated by norms of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.
  • How to write objections to the appeal
    Objection to the cassation complaint is an important document required for the trial. Many do not give it much importance, because I believe that in the materials previously reviewed the case and everything indicated that the court at the stage of cassation proceedings does not go beyond the earlier decision and the objection can not write. It should be noted that this reasoning is fundamentally wrong. The court takes into consideration, as lodged the appeal and arrived at her objections.
  • How to get on the waiting list for an apartment in Moscow region
    Housing spoils not only Muscovites, but residents of any region of Russia. Always acquire housing for the majority - an impossible task. There are for these cases, a program for setting on the queue for housing. However, it is not so simple. Especially when it comes to the Central region, Moscow and Moscow region.
  • How to get a passport in Omsk
    A mandatory condition of travel to other countries is the availability of a foreign passport. The procedure of obtaining a passport is quite simple, but it requires a certain amount of time. If you are registered in Omsk, you are required to issue the passport within one month from the date of application.
  • How to apply for financial responsibility
    Individual material responsibility, which accompanies a number of positions, is a critical part of the employment agreement. According to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, are two types of financial responsibility - collective and individual. Each of them issued a separate contract. In the first case between the employer and all members of the staff, and in the second between him and the concrete worker. The latter is most common and involves full individual material responsibility for the resulting storage values.
  • How to determine the right to use the apartment
    Unfortunately, housing the majority of Russian families to solve almost impossible. The division of flats among the heirs leads to the emergence of a growing number of communal apartments. The owners changed, as a result, the area of several square meters have to be perfectly strangers. To avoid unnecessary quarrels and confrontations should determine the order of use of the apartment.
  • How to evict a tenant from the apartment
    What to do when your apartment is home to an unscrupulous tenant, and how to get rid of it? Really to do it without breaking the law or not? Is Yes and it can be done with the help of eviction.
  • How to write a letter to the IRS
    Communication with the tax authorities most often involves direct appeal to the Inspectorate, which serves a specific taxpayer. But not everyone seems convenient to look for your office and wait for an explanation from the inspector. In this case, it is possible to discuss questions by contacting the IRS with a letter, which will be considered by the tax service mandatory and guarantee a quick response to the request according to the rules.
  • How to cancel privatization
    The privatization of residential premises - a procedure which took and still take part millions of people. However, sometimes there are situations when the owners just need to cancel this Covenant.
  • How to get an apartment at a time
    The fortieth article of the Constitution States that all citizens have the right to own housing. The state allocates apartments from the municipal or the state Fund under the contract of social hiring. Refer to the new Housing code, which narrowed the scope of exemptions for apartments from the state, but also changed the procedure for granting apartments.
  • How to apply for a land plot in rent or property
    Land is not only a natural resource and means of production of agricultural products, but also the basis for life. The right of land ownership and land rent are the most common types of land rights.
  • How to arrange a marriage with a foreigner
    Arrange marriage with a foreign citizen can freely in the territory of the Russian Federation. You only need to prepare necessary documents and apply to the competent authorities. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, a foreigner is a physical person who is not a citizen of Russia and having citizenship of another state.
  • How to know your nationality
    Situation when people do not know their nationality, are quite rare, but are the place to be. First of all, stateless inevitably can become citizens of States that have altered their boundaries, for example, due to the hostilities, as well as in the event of dissolution of the state unit.
  • How to authenticate a sick leave
    Employers often face a problem when the employee is a long time not to return to work, did not return calls, does not contact in any way, and then provide to your accountant or employer sick leave. However, the authenticity of such sick leave is often in doubt.
  • How to write a deed
    To draw up a contract of donation is small, it is necessary that he still had legal force. Therefore, to avoid problems with structured donation, you need to very carefully approach the design of such contracts. As a result of small mistakes you or your gift recipient can lose subject of the gift.
  • How to write a Protocol of the meeting
    Any important decisions taken during various meetings and sessions, will have legal effect only in the case if the deliberations and the process of making such decisions was recorded in the Protocol. Therefore it is very important to follow the rules for such an important event as the meeting. The design of the Protocol in this case is of the generally accepted rules of drawing up business documents and standardized form of the document must contain the mandatory clauses in accordance with the recommendations of GOST R 6.30 from 2003.
  • How to apply to the magistrate
    Magistrate is a judge of General jurisdiction, which operate on the territory of the Russian Federation as courts of first instance. Under the law, the magistrate is empowered to review civil, criminal and other disputes. The maximum term of punishment when making decisions of the world judge should not exceed 3 years, otherwise the case can not be considered in the court of first instance and sent for consideration to other bodies.
  • How to fill application form for passport
    From March 1, 2010 citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive the passport of new generation with the electronic data carrier with a validity of 10 years. For its receiving it is necessary to provide to the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia the application form and the full package of documents, in accordance with the list.
  • How to apply for a residence permit in Russia
    To obtain a view on the residence in Russia of a foreign citizen need to collect an impressive package of documents. Any error in this way will make it again numerous instances. To arrange all the necessary to obtain the coveted document from the first time, study in advance a list of documents that you need.
  • How to calculate the percentage of
    A comparative description of the two quantities, showing how one of them differs from another is called their ratio. If one of the compare values (or their sum) is taken equal to one hundred percent, the differences between values can also be expressed in percent. This comparison will be called a percentage.
  • How to write a response to the petition
    Russian law obliges the defendant to provide the opinion to the claim statement only in the arbitration process. However, I think it would be appropriate to put in writing its position on the case and in the proceedings in the court of General jurisdiction. So the court in the best way will be realized the principles of objective and comprehensive consideration of the dispute and reduce the time of trial.
  • How to change date of birth in the passport
    As in any other document, the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation sometimes there are mistakes. Whether it's a name, place or date of birth. If change surname and even first name and patronymic, the phenomenon frequent enough, then amend the date of birth is very rare.
  • How to get documents to the archive
    Distinction document documentation that requires permanent storage, temporary storage, or destruction is carried out in strict accordance with the rules of work of archives of organizations and special instructions of the state archive. Regardless of, do you send the documentation deposited in the private enterprise archive, municipal archive or the state archive of the Russian Federation, the clearance must be carried out in compliance with all applicable requirements.