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  • How to obtain the technical passport
    Currently we often have to deal with the paperwork of real estate. The technical passport is required for all operations with real estate, and its timely and correct execution is essential further paperwork on your property. In our country the registration of the technical passports Bureau of technical inventory (BTI).
  • How to determine the rate of production of
    The concept of elaborationis most often used as one of indicators of labour productivity. Labor productivity characterizes the efficiency of labor, its ability to produce per unit of time a certain amount of goods and services, as well as the amount of time spent on the production of a unit of production. Among the performance indicators the most important are the rate and level of production. How to determine the level of production?
  • How to write a claim for an insurance company
    To write a claim, you should have a clear idea what it is. A claim is a written demand for compensation of damages which occurred as a result of an insured event. The purpose of the claim is a peaceful pre-trial settlement of existing problems. To design claims seriously, because of the correctness of its drawing up and the information it contains depends on how quickly and to what extent will satisfy your requirements.
  • How to claim the inheritance
    On the basis of article 527 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation can become the heir by law or by will the terms of the statement for acceptance of the inheritance is limited to 6 months after the death of the testator. If this term is omitted and the inheritance divided among the heirs, to claim the right only in court. To claim their rights, must apply to the notary and to collect a number of documents for obtaining a certificate of inheritance.
  • How to write a power of attorney on the car
    The owner of the car can be any person, but driving a car has the right and not everyone is capable of. If the car owns the person does not have the right or ability of its management on the car can be issued authorizationto use them unauthorized persons.
  • How to update the certificate
    Every certificate has a validity period which is set by the manufacturer. At the end of the term of any certificate should be updated. Theoretically, all just about on the practice, many users face difficulties, to overcome which will help this article.
  • How to hire a lawyer
    Advocates – professional lawyers conducting the defence in criminal and administrative cases, as well as represent the interests of clients in civil cases. After the conclusion of the agreement with a lawyer, he receives a warrant on the basis of which can work in a particular case. But how to hire a lawyer?
  • How to postpone a court session
    When considering the case of a participant in the process, you may need to move or postpone the court meeting to a later date. This may be due to the need to consult a professional lawyer, to provide new evidence to conclude the agreement. The right to qualified legal assistance is enshrined in the Constitution, the court cannot refuse adjournment if you need time to contact a lawyer. Civil process is strictly regulated, the grounds and procedure adjournment of the hearing fixed in the Civil procedure code.
  • How to write employee recommendation
    Every employer sooner or later you have to write a recommendation on the employee. This happens for various reasons. These may be the liquidation of the organization or its bankruptcy, the dismissal of an employee on their own, etc. recommendation is an objective description about a particular person, his knowledge, skills and abilities. Write it as from a private person, and organization.
  • How to write an application to the court for child support
    For applying to the court for alimony from the spouse who refused to conclude the agreement about the financial maintenance of the child, you want to make the claim statement. It must take into account all the nuances of a particular situation and to fully protect the interests of the child, so you should pay special attention to the preparation of such statement and take into account all the requirements for the form of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The document can be in writing or print on the computer.
  • How to apply for a patent for invention
    It would seem, have all been invented, and all the discoveries made. However, does not stop the flow of wanting to lock in their right to a discovery. Tobe patented the invention in Russia, they must apply for a patent in the Federal service on intellectual property (abbreviated Rospatent).
  • How to appeal against the Prosecutor
    The main activity of bodies of Prosecutor's office of Russia is the supervision over the observance of legality. Without a doubt, the Prosecutor's office is the primary oversight body of the country, but what if the prosecutors themselves start breaking the law or just do nothing in the presence of egregious violations of the law? According to the General rule established by article 10 of the Federal law "On the procuracy of the Russian Federation, any action or inaction of the public Prosecutorand his decision may be appealed to superior Prosecutor or in court.
  • How to apply for the acting employee
    In the labour process there are situations of Disposals per employee and necessary execution of his or her work by another worker. A typical case is the temporary retirement of the employee to preserve his job. For example, in granting the woman leave and maternity leave, and then leave to care for a child up to 3 years; the involvement of the employee to the performance of state or public duties; improving the skills of the worker and other cases envisaged by law and collective agreement). There is a need to replace retired employee with the purpose of continuity for his work.
  • How to apply for private enterprise
    Registration for private entrepreneurial activity has long been a big problem for a novice businessman. Nowadays the procedure of registration of private enterprise has become much simpler. According to officials, this should give impetus to the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • How to pay child support
    Alimony in favor of another person shall be paid either on the basis of a court decision or on the basis of a notarized agreement. Such an agreement is concluded between the person obliged to pay alimony and the person entitled to receive them. Accordingly, the size, procedure and terms of payment of alimony are in one of the data sources. Based on the decision of the court issued a writ of execution. If alimony is possible different situations in which both sides need to act legally correct.
  • How to apply for a land share in the property
    Collective and state farms are gone, leaving the inhabitants of the village law and the new challenges, new forms of management and ownership. For example, the land of Pai. Land Pai - land allocated in the property of the individual citizen is or in nature in General, the land pattern when the reorganization of collective farms.
  • How to appeal the Protocol traffic police
    One violation, second, third... And so you will be deprived for his constant disregard for the rules of the road. And it becomes very sad from the fact that at some point, you did not challenge the Protocoldrawn up by the inspector of traffic police, even though they knew that they were right.
  • How to make the purchase of the site
    Independent the purchase of your land plot has some obvious advantages, such as significant cost savings. There is no need to resort to costly services of real estate offices. In this case, it is necessary to consider that self-service documents for the land plot could be delayed indefinitely. But nevertheless, to draw up the documents - it's completely doable if you follow certain steps.
  • How to seize the child from the mother
    Issues of motherhood and childhood in our country becoming every year more and more. Modern parents have changed and not all for the better. Now in anybody does not cause surprise that fact that the child can sue the mother.
  • How to return rights ahead of time
    Today, there are seventeen violations for which administrative code provides for deprivation of driver of the right of control of the vehicle. Virtually every driver, not even being the worst offender, may be in a situation where before him loomed the prospect of losing, for a time, a driver's license. The law does not provide for the return of a driver's license before the deadline. According to the Cao as soon as the expiry of the term deprivation of the rights, the seized document is returned on demand within one working day. Therefore it is better to take all possible steps to ensure that these rights would not lose.
  • How to return the paid state duty
    Before filing a claim in the court of the citizens have to pay legal costs for the proceedings. In some cases the fee is calculated as a percentage of the sum of claim claims can be quite large. Sometimes the claim is rejected by the court prior to its consideration. Or has already begun the process is not brought to the court's decision for different reasons. In this case, to be a duty? It can be brought back from the Treasury part or in full, depending on the stage of the process, which occurred the termination of the case. For a refund of the registration fee, you must have the original receipt of payment and to several other documents.
  • How to amend an employment contract
    Employment contract – a document on which to base the relationship of a specific worker with a specific employer. In the employment contractmust contain information on place of work, work performance, the period for which the concluded employment contract, wages and other substantive conditions of employment referred to in article 57 of the Labor code.
  • How to close the branch
    Any legal entity may open and close branches in different regions of Russia. In the case of closure of the branch will prepare the documents and complete the formalities prescribed tax and labour legislation and civil law.
  • How to write the minor of privatized apartments
    To write a minor child of privatized apartments in accordance with the law. If it was written before the privatization, that we must act one way if after, then another.
  • How to fill out the application for registration at the place of residence
    Statement on registration at the place of residence can be filled in on the computer or typewriter or online on the portal of state services. In any case, all the data are entered strictly on the basis of documents of which take: passports and other. Under the statement are signatures of applicant and who provides him shelter. Section under the signatures do not fill.
  • How to find out the tax system
    In practice, the new head of the organization or accountant appointed for reporting on taxes organization or individual entrepreneur are sometimes faced with the question – what system of taxation is the organization (individual entrepreneur).
  • How to change the name in the passport
    The passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation each person gets at the age of 14. From this age you can change your name at his own request, to this age - only at the request of parents. Directly name change the Registrar's office at the place of residence or registration of birth. You need to collect a number of documents and to apply to bodies of the Federal Migration Service.
  • How to register in privatized apartment
    To register in the non-privatized apartment the family members are already prescribed there tenants and other citizens. Registration of minor children to their parents is carried out without the consent of other residents. To register other family members will need the written permission of all the registered persons in the apartment. For the residence of strangers, in addition to the consent of tenants, you also need the permission of the landlord.
  • How to get retirement savings
    The formation of pension savings or cumulative part of the pension at the expense of payment of insurance payments by the employer to the pension Fund of the Russian Federation or other private pension funds. Fees are payable for each employee in the amount of 6% of his salary. Pension savings are paid out together with the main part of the song. If man did not live to retirement age, to receive his pension savings can successor.
  • How to cancel the contract of sale apartments
    The contract of purchase - sale of apartments is valid and in force if it was in government. In some cases there are serious reasons for termination of such contract. To terminate it, either voluntarily, by mutual consent of both parties or in the courts at the suit of any party.