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  • How to join in inheritance after his father's death
    Since the death of a citizen occurs hereditary relationship. First and foremost, all property shall go to the children, spouse and parents of the testator. Legitimate candidates can get the inheritance after his father's death only after the opening of probate, regardless of the time of its actual decision.
  • Where to go in case of violation of consumer rights
    The legislation of the Russian Federation is very clearly prescribes the responsibility of the seller of the goods, works and services towards the consumers. If there is a violation of their rights, it is necessary to take action.
  • Where to apply for a passport
    The passport – the document certifying the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to change at a certain age, and if you change personal data (name/surname). Every time you replace passports for new citizens need to gather certain documents.
  • Where to submit the passport
    The passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation "put" can only be in law enforcement, in particular, to the migration service in connection with the substitution of a new identity document. Any other requirements to "pass" a passport is illegal.
  • How to challenge forensic examination
    In the case when the forensic examination results are questionable, the applicant has the right to challenge it completely or parts of it. It is the inalienable right of every citizen, which may help to re-conduct expert studies.
  • How to appeal against the resolution about appointment of administrative punishment
    The law of the Russian Federation provides the right to appeal against the resolution about appointment of administrative punishment. It is necessary to apply in certain instances, providing for review of the case information.
  • How to file a lawsuit against the Bank
    According to Goskomstat, the population of our country every month only takes mortgage loans to 28 billion rubles. Total household debt to banks is about 3500 billion in the Russian currency, of which about 3% is in loan delinquency. It is clear that not everyone's life situation over time is favorable. If the Bank does not want to negotiate the delay of payments, charges exorbitant fines, then the only way is to file a lawsuit.
  • How to recall a statement from the court
    On the basis of article 39 of the Civil procedure Code of the Russian Federation the claimant has the right to withdraw his petition a statement from the court. This can be done both in writing and orally.
  • How to write a claim for moral damages
    Any Russian citizen has the right to address in court with the requirement about compensation of moral harm caused to him by the defendant. But the complexity of determining the size of the caused damage and making a claim are forced to seek the assistance of experienced lawyers. Of course, they have invaluable experience that allows us to soberly assess the amount of damages and to sue, which gives hope for making a positive decision. But the claim statement you can make yourself.
  • How to recover a document on the privatization
    The documentconfirming the right of ownership of privatized housing, is very important because it will be needed in all transactions conducted with the apartment sale, rent. But what if it was lost?
  • How to make the missing entry in the labour
    The conduct of the personnel office, in practice there are situations when you or a member of your organization suddenly find that in the workbook omitted the records of his transfer to other positions or the assignment of a new category or categories. To fix the error, proceed as follows.
  • How to refuse to testify
    You are attracted in a criminal case as a witness or the accused. If you come in as a witness, but did not want to testify, you can do it only in strictly certain cases: for example, you are a close relative of the accused, his lawyer or a priest. If you are accused, you have the right to remain silent.
  • How to cancel power of attorney
    If you are someone has written General power of attorney, in accordance with the Civil code of the Russian Federation, you have every right to cancel it. In this case, you will be required to notify all interested parties in the first place – the person you gave power of attorney and a notary, who assured her that the document is no longer valid. In practice, these issues most often are resolved through a notary, who was at one time a power of attorney is issued.
  • How to write a claim for damages
    To appeal to the court with such a complex matter as the claim for moral damages, you need to make a claim. It should be guided by article 131 of the Civil procedural code of the Russian Federation, which lists all requirements for content and form of such a document. Failure to comply the court may refuse to consider the case on the basis of article 136 GPK the Russian Federation.
  • How to get a certificate of absence of tax debts
    In many cases, legal and physical persons need a certificate of no debt. It is required for credit, participation in tenders, issuing licenses, renunciation of citizenship, etc. to obtain this document, write to the tax request with the corresponding request.
  • How to write a complaint against a lawyer
    Very often, people are faced with unscrupulous lawyers. They promise the impossible. People who are in a difficult situation and are desperate, take their word for it and sign the documents without reading them. If you are faced with this problem, you should write a complaint to a dishonest lawyer.
  • How to issue a power of attorney at home
    In recent times, most notaries also offers the services related to the notary at the place of stay of the client. If you because of poor health or employment cannot visit the notary public and execute a power of attorney, you can call it home.
  • How to make a change in employment contract
    The documents are important clarity. So in order to make the change in the employment contract, you must be careful. It is important to observe all stages of the translation and to properly prepare all the necessary documents. This will avoid many misunderstandings and troubles.
  • How to write a Protocol of disagreements
    Protocol differences you can make as after conclusion of the contract, and when developing the draft of the Treaty itself. This document is drawn up and the provisions relating to the subject matter hereof and any other provisions of the agreement. Special requirements to the form of the minutes of the Civil Code does not impose, in virtue of which the parties independently agree on its form and content.
  • How to organize your party
    Democracy allows any citizen to freely Express their will and participate in government available and legitimate means. This methods applies enshrined in law the right of every eligible citizen over 18 years old to create their own political parties.
  • How to get a divorce if no children
    Russian legislation provides for several ways of dissolution of marriage. For individuals who do not have common minor childrenwith mutual agreement provided for the dissolution of marriage in the organs recording acts of civil status. This procedure is simplified and, of course, will require less time and effort than divorce in court.
  • As the owner to register a person
    The owner has the right to dispose of their apartment at their own discretion, if it does not contradict the law and does not violate the peace of others. So he has a right to prescribe to their living space for anyone. You need to collect a number of documents and personally be present at check-in.
  • How to make a passport in Novosibirsk
    Overseas trip is impossible without a passport. With the new biometric passport can travel 10 years, and the usual old passport after 5 years will have to change. In the Leninsky district of Novosibirsk there is a division of FMS, which can be issued passports of both species.
  • How to attract for libel
    Liability for defamation is envisaged in article 129 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. If the culprit who disseminated knowingly false information that undermines your reputation and discrediting the honor and dignity known, you can go to court. If not to law enforcement agencies to identify and bring to justice.
  • How to give a share
    The donation share is often a way of registration of sale of business. Donation of share in the Charter capital of the legal entity occurs under the contract of donation (article 572 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation). The contract is made in written or notarial form, if the latter is provided in the Charter.
  • On which side of the road should a cyclist go
    Cyclists are equal road users. Since the bike relates directly to vehicles, the bicyclist should be on the right side of the road. However, if the cyclist fled on foot, only taking his Bicycle, he must walk on the left side of the road, as it acts as a pedestrian.
  • Giving the candidates at least
    Candidate minimum – a list of exams taken by graduate students or applicants of a scientific degree of candidate of Sciences. It is an important part of the evaluation of the teaching staff.
  • The exchange of documents on age - what time
    The timing of the exchange of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation by age is fixed in a special decree of the Russian Government. The same document established the other grounds for replacement of an identity document.
  • How to put a stamp about divorce
    The stamp of divorce is placed in the organs recording acts of civil status on the basis of documents confirming termination of the marriage. Certain features of this procedure depend on the way in which the marriage terminated.
  • Guardianship as work
    Under the law, every citizen of Russia of any age and health status has rights and obligations. But not all individuals can implement them by reason of partial or total disability. The rights and interests of such persons to protect the guardianship and guardianship.