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  • How to evict a person from the apartment
    The dreaded word "eviction" scares every person. After eviction from apartment or room lost confidence in the future. But not every can hang over the threat of eviction. One day housing is not lose. This is true for several reasons.
  • How to get a copyright
    The answer to this question depends on who plans to become a franchisor. If we are talking about the author, he need only to create your masterpiece.If you plan to obtain copyright rights from another of their owner, have to make some formalities.
  • How to obtain a birth certificate of the child
    Certificate of birth – the first and most important document that your child will receive. And to obtain it in the first month of baby's life.
  • How to collect on court order
    Obtaining a writ of execution does not mean actual receipt of the money. The law regulates the procedure of forced execution. There are two ways of collection by writ of execution.
  • How to prepare the documents for the house
    When the paperwork for the house should immediately draw up the documents for the land. In the state records center does not register the right of ownership of the house without documents for the land, because land is an integral part of the house.
  • How to apply for a residence permit
    Registration or the registration is an administrative procedure of registration of citizens by place of residence. Make decisions on registration officials of the Federal migration service of Russia. The initial reception of documents from citizens, their registration and transfer to the competent authorities of the person responsible for the registration. As a rule, responsible for the registration of a person appointed by the governors of the workers housing organization (pasportist).
  • How to write a position
    The situation — the local legal act that regulates the organization and operation of structural units, e.g., departments, divisions, services, offices. The situation may determine the exercise of any activity in particular, labour protection, remuneration, and certification. The purpose of the provisions is to distinguish the functions, powers and responsibilities of the units or to settle any sphere of activity. The position has a clear structure, composed of sections.
  • How to register a patent
    Many of the authors original ideas opposed to their ideas was embodied in the lives of other people. Great idea along with other components – suggests a successful business. Unfortunately, to patent the idea impossible. But you can patent an invention, useful model or industrial sample.
  • How to enter into the inheritance without a will
    In the case of a man's death his property passed to the persons who according to the will or law are considered to be heirs. The law clearly defines the circle of such persons. If none, the estate of a deceased goes to the state.
  • How to make a donation
    To make a donation are often used, if necessary, the transfer of ownership of property (house, apartment, premises) to another person. In such cases, the donation is a very good deal, as it allows in some cases to pay a tax. In addition, a properly drawn up deed of gift hard to argue.
  • How to apply for a new passport
    Every citizen of the Russian Federation on reaching 14 years of age must obtain a passport, which must be replaced upon reaching 20 and 45 years of age. In addition, the passport should be replaced in the event of a change of surname, name, patronymic, sex, appearance change, and in case of unfitness for further use or produced inaccurate records.
  • Shoes from a store: how to return money for a poor product
    Shoe stores are now many. Sometimes you will find shoes, two days reviled, and the sole detached. If you follow some rules, it is fixable: you'll get a refund or exchange for another pair. Only we must remember these several points.
  • How to apply for a share in the apartment
    Common ownership of the apartment may occur in different situations, for example, if you inherit property, in case of purchase of apartments in the marriage, the privatization of housing. Each participant of shared ownership shall have the right to dispose of his property in any way. It is necessary to make the property your share or, in other words, to obtain a certificate of ownership.
  • How to write a statement for your account
    The unpaid leave may be required every. How to write a statement for its own account, in what cases the employer is obliged to provide you with a vacation, and it influence the granting of the next holiday?
  • How to revoke a power of attorney
    You have issued a power of attorney in the name of the husband, but divorced, and now do not want to enable them to manage your Affairs? Or issued a power of attorney for driving a car to a friend and now want to take it? In such (and many other) cases the question arises: how to revoke a power of attorney and what you need?
  • How to apply for power of attorney
    General power of attorney is the most common form of attorney. Doing it in those cases, if client need to transfer the right to exercise legitimate authority in any industry or full management of property on behalf of the legal entity or physical person.
  • How to make receipt
    Monetary relations – is perhaps the most sensitive issue that concerns most people. Unfortunately, very often the money loaned is not returned to its rightful owner. The reasons are many, but it really is possible to protect yourself from unscrupulous debtors to avoid losing money. It can be done, if competently to constitute the receipt on transfer of money.
  • How to make a temporary registration
    According to the Constitution every citizen of Russia has the right to freedom of movement – that is, can live, study or work anywhere in the country. But, nevertheless, notify the state about his whereabouts, he is obliged – so many, sooner or later the question arises about how to make temporary registration and what it takes.
  • How to write a petition to the court
    Russian procedural law provides for the right of persons involved in the case, to apply to court with petitions. A petition called the petition of the applicant, addressed to the court.
  • How to register in the apartment of a man
    The presence of registration in our time is a significant factor, for example, to search for work, to obtain health insurance, credit, etc. to Register in the apartment of a man is not be easy if the owners of the apartment no objections to the registration of a particular person of their living space, or you yourself are the owner of this apartment.
  • How to apply for veteran of labor
    Honorary title "Veteran of labor" ensures the provision of special incentives. To receive a veteran's license, you need to contact the social security authorities at the place of residence.
  • How to appeal the decision
    If the court's decision on your case you do not like, but you have no legal education and don't know how to fix the situation, do not despair. To appeal the decision under the force of each, it is necessary to know only some provisions of the law on the appeal.
  • How to write a letter to the Governor
    If you have lost hope to solve the question at the level of municipality or head of the rural settlement, if the question can be resonant or indeed can be solved only at the level of the head of region – write letters.
  • How to obtain a cadastral passport
    To register in the judiciary their right to any property, structure, building, premises, land plot — it is necessary to submit a cadastral passport for it. What is a cadastral passport and what documents are needed to obtain it?
  • How to make Inn
    INN — taxpayer identification number. The Federal tax service assigns it to individual entrepreneurs, physical and legal persons. Obtaining it takes no more than five days.
  • How to obtain citizenship of Kazakhstan
    The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On citizensof the Republic of Kazakhstan", adopted on 20 December 1991, affirms the right to obtain the citizenship of Kazakhstan for all persons who had permanent residence on the territory of Kazakhstan at the time of adoption of the law. The rest of the parties to obtain the citizenship of Kazakhstan must submit the petition for citizenship.
  • How to obtain a residence permit
    Residence permit — a document confirming the right of a citizen of a foreign state for permanent residence in the Russian Federation.
  • How will be inventory
    In life there are situations when it is necessary to describe property owned by a particular person or organization. Here a few simple examples: inventory of items taken into temporary custody for patients of the clinic; an inventory of the items located in the vehicle in a guarded Parking lot, an inventory of office furniture and furnishings, inventory of the seized property, etc. regardless of why you need to describe the property, it should be done properly and carefully.
  • How to get a divorce
    The word "divorce" is now firmly entrenched in our lexicon – according to statistics, every third divorce ends the marriage. In the old days in order to get a divorce, needed a very good reason – for example, the confirmed facts of betrayal of a spouse or the desire of the husband or wife to leave the monastery. In our time, in order to divorce her husband or wife, enough desire one of the spouses. The attitude to divorce has become easier, but at the same time, not all couples right to divorce – so as not to make unhappy children of their own and not to remain enemies for the rest of my life.