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  • How to see who is looking for you to "Wait for me"
    In the program "Wait for me" called the names of people someone is looking for. However, to list all those who applied to the program for one hour is impossible. So the site "Wait for me" the opportunity for everyone to learn, not looking for them to anyone.
  • As to count nine days from the date of death
    In the Christian tradition, more importance of days of remembrance of the dead. One of them - the ninth day after death, when friends and relatives of the deceased gather to remember his kind words.
  • How to see who is looking for you to "Wait for me" on the Internet
    A lot of people, lost once, were able to find each other thanks to the TV project "Wait for me". Of course, this TV show makes, it would seem impossible for millions of people from different countries. However, the time of broadcast are limited and to help everyone even the staff of TV shows not. To people it was easier to find each other on their own, there is a special site to use which everyone can do by following step-by-step instructions.
  • How to increase the size of the male penis
    "It's not the size, and the ability" – probably, everyone has heard this statement, but it is hard to agree. All men have thought about penis enlargement a few inches, even regardless of the real size. This desire is fully justified, because the man is by nature male and the small size of the penis makes them constrained in dealing with the fair sex. The size of the penis decides the personal fulfillment of men and directly affects the quality of life. getCode?p1=bnudn&p2=eqpm&ptrc=b&pfc=beji
  • How to take a screenshot on a laptop
    From time to time every computer user there is a need to capture the contents of screen of your laptop. This is done easily and quickly, and the result is the desired picture.
  • How to locate person by phone number
    People, of course, wants to know everything about everyone. If the neighbors were more close relationship, and a low fence were allowed to know everything almost the first, now everything is much harder. However, having at hand a mobile phone, you can easily determine the location of the caller using only his phone number.
  • How to create email-address
    Today, emails are necessary for each person as a cell phone, computer or other modern devices. A wide variety of services, free e-mail allow you to quickly and simply create a box and have the email address.
  • How to stretch shoes at home
    You bought the shoes, but she was close, too tight or narrow. In the store it seemed to you that your shoes fit your size... or almost perfect. But on the first day, when you leave it outside, it becomes clear that your purchase was not the most successful. Your feet experiencing constant pain, corns and calluses, swelling, or feet begin to bleed. In such a situation the right way is to pass to the store of purchase. But there is another way is to stretch the shoes.
  • How to learn to play the guitar at home
    If you've decided to learn to play the guitar, and in music school to go it's late and no time to study at music College, you can master this art at home. All you need is the desire and a good tool.
  • How to activate the card LUKOIL
    The programme for the promotion of "LUKOIL" motorists who are clients of the petrol stations "LUKOIL", you can get the memory card. They are provided free of charge at offices of sales of JSC "LUKOIL-inter-Kard". To participate in the program should complete the questionnaire. One person can only receive one card.
  • How to clean a washing machine with citric acid
    Gradually limescale in washing machines is formed even under the condition that you have very clean tap water. Also, under high temperatures when washing on the heating element deposited undissolved particles of the powder. To remove scale is not necessary to use professional tools, you just citric acid.
  • How to write a letter to Ramzan Kadyrov
    Ramzan Kadyrov – state and political figure, head of the Chechen Republic. If you have claims to actions of the authorities, if you can't get justice from the lower organizations, you can write him a letter .
  • How to find the participant of the great Patriotic war
    Veterans of the great Patriotic war every year becoming less. But even after many years since the victory day, the relatives of missing persons looking for their relatives. And there are cases that find. If not the person, just information about what happened to him.
  • How to update a browser
    Many Internet users have faced a situation when running the browser, saw the ad, which warns that the user has an old browser and to preserve the security of the computer you need to upgrade your browser to a newer version. Do not neglect such instructions and you need to refresh the browser. In this article you will learn how to do it.
  • How to find your DoppelgangeR photo free online
    They say that every person on the planet has a DoppelgangeR. Surely you have not once even heard that resemble any famous person. If you really want to know how free to find his twin in the photo, you can contact one of the many services on the Internet.
  • How to find the participant of the great Patriotic war by the name
    With the development of information technologies the opportunity to find the participant of the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 by the name of nearly every Russian citizen. There are special resources to help in the search for missing soldiers and in the health of veterans.
  • As for free find out the owner of a phone number
    Modern technical and software tools allow you to quickly and totally free find out the owner of the room phone. If you are bugged by calls from an unknown number, or you forgot who owns recorded in diary phone, take advantage of special information services and resources.
  • How to learn to do the splits at home
    In order to do the splits at home you will need only a floor and a series of simple exercises that are easy to learn, regardless of age. Older people can do the splits over two months, more young people can master this technique much earlier.
  • Like free find a person by number
    In the modern world increasingly there is a need for free find a person by phone number. Ways to run the number and find out its owner, without paying a penny, just a few, but perseverance and desire to achieve the desired result will help you to solve the problem.
  • How to learn a verse in 5 minutes
    Many students and adults have difficulty memorizing verses by heart. For memorizing poems must be connected to the visual, motor and auditory memory at the same time. How to learn a verse in 5 minutes?
  • How to find a person by name for free
    There are several ways in which you can find a person by name and surname, if there are no other data. Most effective to search via the Internet, using social networks and other available resources.
  • How to create username, password
    Login and password is always the uniqueness and security. They need to preserve the secrecy of correspondence, confidentiality of information and protect yourself from scams.
  • How to lower uric acid in the blood
    Excessive content of uric acid in the blood and its salts causes gout. Uric acid can turn into crystals with sharp edges, which are deposited in the joints and tissues, causing acute paroxysmal pain. In some cases it is an acquired disease, but it happens and hereditary predisposition. To reduce the amount of uric acid and its urate, the doctor prescribes special medicine, but the most effective way is a diet that must be followed throughout life.
  • How to contact the program "Man and law"
    To ask a question of the edition of the program "Man and Law", aired on the First channel, you can use one of three communication options: via the Internet (website), by telephone or in writing (email or regular).
  • How to create your e-mail
    If you "come online" for the long haul, without its own mailbox, you can not do. To get started, create your e-mail on any free email services — Russian or foreign. Or on several to compare and choose the most convenient for you. The differences between these services is small and the registration process takes place on one and the same principle and takes a few minutes.
  • How to find where grandfather fought
    The victory in the great Patriotic war came at a heavy price the Russian people. Millions of people died, millions were missing. Still people looking for their relatives who took part in the battles of the great Patriotic war: great grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers. And if a few years ago, in search it was possible to rely only on the rare stories of friends of veterans, today, thanks to modern communications, to find his grandfather and the place where he fought, so much easier.
  • How to remove belly and flanks at home for a short time
    Beautiful and slim figure is the key to health and prosperity, and to remove belly and flanks at home in quite a short time. This should follow a special diet and perform some exercise.
  • How to check my email
    You want to tell a friend your e-mail address to enable you to write, but find that they are unable to do so because they do not know their own address. Quite rare, but it happens. There are several ways to define your own ' e-mail.
  • How to enroll in the cadet corps
    The cadet corps is the first military school, which prepare children for a military career. In the cadet corps can act like boys and girls. Pupils of the cadet corps referred to as "cadets", which translated from French means "little".
  • How to remove at home sulfur plugs out of your ears
    The accumulation of sulfur in the ears is a natural process. Sometimes under the influence of mechanical factors and moisture sulphur swells and blocks the ear the lumen, causing partial hearing loss. You can try to remove at home sulfur plugs out of your ears before you seek help to the doctor.