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  • How to obtain a residence permit in Belarus
    Look at the residence in Belarus is issued to foreigners who arrived in Belarus for more than 90 days per year. It is possible to obtain six categories of individuals: the students in Belarus, the relatives of citizens of Belarus, who carries out economic or labour activity in Belaruswith property wishing to invest in the Belarusian economy.
  • How to calculate the price of the claim
    The price of the claim – the amount that wants to the plaintiff following the hearing. It depends on the jurisdiction of the dispute and the size of the state duty payable when filing a claim. The price of the claim – a required element of the claim, without it, it can be left without movement. The plaintiff defines its size alone, this results in the calculation.
  • How to remove the arrest from the property
    Arrest can be imposed on property only in the course of proceedings and execution of court rulings, after which the debtor cannot sell the property or mortgage. If it is a car, the debtor has no right to leave it abroad. After the case closed, the debtor have to remove the arrest itself, as but him to do, no one can.
  • How to terminate a contract with a realtor
    Anyone who wants to sell the apartment, are often faced with the same problem: found a realtor that promises in a few days to find a suitable option. It is a contract. Are all conceivable-and inconceivable deadlines, and results. Of course, it is necessary to sever all relationships with such a realtor, but in practice it is not always easy to do.
  • How to make income certificate
    Certificate of income of physical persons is required in many circumstances. In particular for loans, enter the visa in the country, receiving free benefits and discounts, etc Make it at the place of work person to whom it is required. In the certificate form 2-pit reflects all income paid taxes. Some banks are willing to provide a loan according to the information written on the letterhead of the Bank. This is the case if the borrower receives a black salary and official income is very low.
  • How to make sanitary book
    Sanitary medical books are essential for employment in many agencies (services and trade). The sanitary condition of the worker constitutes his certificate that it is safe for the environment. Especially important medical sanitary book for employees associated with the food industry and also with the learning and upbringing activities.
  • How to make a certificate of illness
    For any absence, whether you are an employee, a student or a student who is required to report. If you really did not come because of illness, your doctor you will write a certificate on the basis of a medical report. But if you had a different reason, and no choice but to refer to a disease, you do not, in this situation, you will have to sweat. But still help to really.
  • How to share an apartment
    Like all other property acquired by the spouses during the marriage, jointly acquired apartment is their joint property, regardless of the name of whom of the spouses, such an apartment purchased (article 34 of the Family code of the Russian Federation, further – SK Russian Federation). The joint ownership regime is characterized by the absence of certain shares in right of common ownership (part 2 of article 244 of the Civil code, hereinafter CC RF).
  • How to make officially registered in Moscow
    Legally formalize the registration at the place of stay in Moscow it is possible only one way - to find the host willing to provide you with living room to the phone via FMS. With various companies offering the service at the registration Desk without a visit to the FMS, contact do not: the money you will pay for a false document, which is a criminal offence.
  • How to make a copy of your passport
    Making a copy of the passport is not particularly difficult. The only question is the requirements from the organization, which it is intended: as required pages, what do I need to assure it at the notary or simple enough, do I need to flash the document. Depending on this, determines the order of necessary actions.
  • How to find out who owns the land
    Today often there are situations when the citizen wants to purchase a land parcel, but does not know who is its immediate owner. To find out, you need to be patient and to go to authorities.
  • How to terminate the contract with non-state pension Fund
    You should know how the pension Fund. Usually it has the status of non-profit organizations, including the following areas - non-state pension provision, pension insurance, and the ability to carry out activities as insurer to the pension systems. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the cooperation with the Foundation, whether it is possible to terminate a contract with him?
  • How to terminate the lease agreement
    It rent the entrepreneurs of small and medium business, with little start-up capital, gives you the opportunity to start their activities. But sometimes it is necessary to terminate the contractand for the rental of the premises. To safely do this operation, you must adhere to certain legal aspects, as at the conclusion, and in case of early termination of the contract for the rental of the premises.
  • How to know the passport data of
    A passport is an identification document of a person and indicates his citizenship. Every citizen gets a passport at age 14 years. Each document has its own individual number and series. In some cases you need to check the passport for authenticity, for example, when making legal transactions or other important circumstances.
  • How to register the child without the father's consent
    Registration or registration of even the smallest of our citizens is of great importance. Without a residence permit do not provide social support, put in place in kindergarten and will not issue a policy to a child. Therefore, any child needs to be registered. However, when parents divorce, the interests of the child are often little concerned about the departed family of the father. How to solve the problem of residence without his participation? To register the child without the father actually has the right to the other parent or any other legal representative of the child.
  • How to calculate the norm of working time
    Under labour law, calculate the time taken by the employee during the performance of duties is made on the basis of norms of working time, which regulated the Procedure for calculating the norm of working time for the month, quarter or year, in accordance with the established working time in a week that is approved by the Order of the health Ministry of the Russian Federation from August 13, 2009 No. 588н.
  • How to change the apartment through the courts
    There are many points on which people want to exchange apartment and to disperse. Exchange of an apartment depends on what right it belongs to her living in persons. If it is impossible to negotiate peacefully should apply to the court for decision on the exchange of apartments. But the court will make a just decision. The rest of the exchange the inhabitants of the apartment will be done independently.
  • The return of the sofa to the store: how to confirm marriage
    Buying a new sofa, buyer truly believes in practicality and durability buying. But not always an expensive purchase lives up to our expectations. And to return the furniture to the seller in case of improper quality of the goods or for other reasons is often not so easy. The fact that the contract of sale signed normally when you buy a sofaand spelled out the responsibilities of both parties. There is also a paragraph on the conditions and procedure for the return of the furniture.
  • How to calculate night work hours
    Payment to employees for night work regulated by RF Government Resolution No. 554. Night is from 22 hours till 6 hours and is to be paid at least 20% higher than normal tariff rates.
  • How to register in the Dorm
    The procedure of registration in the hostel depends on a privatized room in which you want to register. In other cases, the basis for registration may be based on the consent of the owner (of the organisation on which balance there is a hostel) or the contract of social hiring of habitation, if the hostel belongs to the city.
  • How to check the legal purity of the machine
    Buying a car in the secondary market is fraught not only with many troubles in his design, which is entirely borne by the buyer. Unfortunately, such a transaction may have a number of pitfalls that, if not detected, lead to very unpleasant consequences. What is this "stones" and how to avoid them? The main trouble experienced by the buyer, and ways of their prevention will be outlined below.
  • How to register in another city
    The procedure of registration at place of residence when moving to another city is no different from changing address within the same locality. Required to present to the passport office of the housing Department or territorial division of the FMS exactly the same set of documents.
  • How to prolong the contract
    Prolongation of the contract is the extension of the term signed contract between the two parties. Often in such a way are regular counterparties that have long-term cooperation. The extension saves you from piles of papers, hence the confusion. Also it is very convenient in case of breakdown in the accounting operations with suppliers (buyers) by the numbers of the contract.
  • How to check documents in the apartment
    In our world, very often committed crimes and fraud related to the purchase or exchange of residential and non-residential premises. We all know, forewarned is forearmed. There are several simple ways to make a prosperous deal.
  • How to know the registration number of the insured
    Registration numbers are assigned to insured persons entrepreneurs and legal entities making contributions to the Pension Fund, social insurance Fund and compulsory medical insurance Funds. In most cases you can recognize them by telephone or by personal visit to the provider you office Fund.
  • How to check temporary registration
    Often, when applying for a job, you must provide information about the registration, and registration is required in future work. In this case, you must make a temporary registration, it takes time, and therefore, the majority refuses to independently interact with the state institutions and apply to private companies.
  • How to get the bailiff to work
    With the advent of the Federal bailiff service of Russia appeared civilized system of execution of court decisions. But sometimes you have to face the reluctance of the court bailiffs promptly carry out the decisions of the courts, as well as outright omissions. To get the bailiff to work in various methods.
  • How to calculate productivity
    Productivity of labor is one of the main performance indicators of any organization. And, of course, for every Manager it is important to know how effective are his staff.
  • How to discharge the child from the father
    Very often, life circumstances develop in such a way, when there is a question about medical discharge of a minor child from the apartment. This procedure is very difficult, but not insurmountable. And for this you should know a few very important nuances.
  • How to obtain a residence permit in Lithuania
    According to the Lithuanian legislation the form on a residence in Lithuania can to one who intends to engage in any lawful activities in Lithuania. Such activities include activities not requiring a work permit or for its implementation, company organization or institution in Lithuania, as well as the management of the company or institution. Also look at the residence is entitled to persons of Lithuanian origin, having a husband, wife or relatives in Lithuaniaand also those who are going to study in Lithuania.