Automatically become the heir impossible. The certificate of right to inheritance is the final stage of the process of probate. The paper needs to. To do this within six months you should contact the notary public, preferably at the place of opening the inheritance, and to bring the necessary documents:- death certificate of the testator;
- if the inheritance is by law, it is necessary to submit documents certifying kinship, if the bequest is to present it;
- documents of title to heritable property (for example, certificate of ownership of the apartment);
- certificate of residency of the deceased;
- extract from the house register.
If necessary, the notary may require other documents. Once you as an heir, written statement of acceptance of the inheritance, the notary opens hereditary case. After 6 months you will receive a Certificate of right to inheritance. But you need to pay a fee:- children, parents, spouses, brothers and sisters pay 0.3% of the value of the property, but not more than 100 thousand roubles;
- other heirs – 0,6% but not more than 1 million rubles;
- wife for a share of property acquired during the marriage, pay a fixed sum of 200 rubles;
- if the property is located abroad, stamp duty will be only one minimum wage.The property is assessed by the competent organizations, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
If the Certificate of right to inheritance for some reason you forget it, you need to refer back to the notary, who you wrote it. Paying 100 rubles registration fee, you will receive a duplicate. Because the notary had already checked the fact of death of the testator, having a will and other circumstances, and copies of all documents stored in his archive, the copy results will not keep itself waiting long.