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- How to remove fat on the shoulder blades How to remove fat under the shoulder blades? This question is raised not only men that aim to get a trim muscular figure, but also girls who, in connection with improper food and due to the absence of any power loads become the owner of this nasty baggage.
- How to build the female breast at home Unfortunately, not all women are endowed with beautiful Breasts. Many and then complain about the size, shape and firmness. And on a beautiful, taut, inflated breast every woman dreams. And most importantly, all this can be achieved from the comfort of home.
- How to get the title of master of sports Professional sport is often a matter of life. Therefore, the main goal of every athlete is a sports rank: candidate master of sport, master of sport, international master of sports. Of course, for each of the ranks, there are certain bit requirements, after which, you will be awarded this title.
- How to build muscle skinny Inflated athletic body is the dream of many people. For those who have by nature strong bones, build muscle much easier than thin people. However, nothing is impossible, and, observing some rules, even the worst man or woman is too fragile to be able to boast of beautiful shapes.
- How to achieve slender legs To have a beautiful slender feet for mfeetx is an unattainable dream. But if you set a goal and start working on yourself, you will achieve the desired result for a very short period of time. The main thing – patience, perseverance and self-discipline.
- How to learn how to throw the ball in basketball As in any other game with a ball, in basketball you need to put the correct and accurate throw. This is the basis of this game. There are a few points to consider to make a precise hit over and over again. Here is what you should pay attention if you want to make 3 points of contact.
- How to build male chest To the man to pump up pectoral muscles, you will need the performance of a complex of special exercises. Achieving the desired effect will require regular training. By the way, classes don't have to go to the gym. Exercises can be performed at home.
- How to defeat a man who is stronger than you So it turns out that people differ from each other in the physical sense and sometimes have to deal with more serious and strong opponent. And here the question is not even in sports. There are people who are simply psychologically stronger, they have more strong nerves. So, what can be done to the weaker opponent?
- How to improve the force of impact The force and speed of impact is one of the fundamental factors for victory in the contact types of martial arts. Many modern boxers use the technique professionals of yesteryear. Constantly changing, and techniques tolerate only small improvements.
- How to call a command in the game Suppose you have gathered around himself a group of people who have decided to compete for a trophy, be it world Cup, organized by the regional newspaper, or gold medals for winning the tournament for the team game in Tetris. Enthusiasm rife, but the names of your circle of associates still there. How to be? Here are a few ideas.
- How to learn martial arts Mastering a martial art is a long process and requires a serious volitional approach. To learn any martial art by yourself is harder than in group under the guidance of a coach, but it is possible.
- How to run 3 km "I want to be healthy – run! Want to be beautiful – run! I want to be smart – run!" - the famous phrase that came to us from ancient Greece, is quite true. Running, without a doubt, helps to maintain good physical shape and improves health. In order to successfully run 3 kilometers, you have to train and prepare.
- How to build inner part of chest Often men who are trying to pump up the Breasts complain that they can't form the terrain evenly. In the area of the inner part of the chest there is a sort of failure that makes all the efforts in vain swinging. To rectify the situation will help special exercises, which will give the load to the desired chest muscles.
- How to fix crooked legs: exercises The idea of beauty consists of mlegged components. Including foot shape plays an important role. But what if nature gave a perfect pair of legs? How to fix curves legs? Crooked legs can be a serious problem. But there is a set of exercises to correct deficiencies.
- How to lubricate a treadmill Initially the inner part of the treadmill has already been coated with grease, but eventually it needs to be updated, otherwise it starts to deteriorate the engine. The frequency of treatments depends on the intensity of use of the device: if one person runs at a low speed – once a year, a few users or a large speed – up every six months, and with heavy use by the whole family – once in two months. The process itself is not complicated, but requires accuracy.
- How to pump up your biceps in a month Inflated hands – the pride of every man. How nice summer day to wear a short-sleeved shirt and notice the admiring glances of women. Biceps – not too capricious muscle, and with the right approach and hard training success is assured. How quickly pump up the biceps and feel like a real man? Do a set of exercises for months, don't be lazy, and soon your hands will become perfect shape.
- How to pump up the muscles of the face Every woman dreams of a beautiful figure. Slender legs and slim waist - it is perfect. However, little is to strengthen the muscles of the body. You should think about the person, because the drooping corners of the eyes, flabby cheeks and floated oval can spoil all impression. To maintain a person in shape, you can use simple exercises, which will give the face a fresh look and will help build up the muscles of the face.
- How to pump weights Many people have a home Arsenal of kettlebells. But how to start classes in the future to get in good physical shape, not everyone knows. For this you can follow the approximate scheme of exercises with kettlebells. Performing them regularly and conscientiously, you'll be stronger, fitter and more attractive.
- How to build arm muscles for a week Flabby arm muscles look ugly and spoil the appearance. In the short term to pump up their only possible regular intensive trainings. To do this, you must be a great desire outwardly transformed, hour of free time every day and dumbbells weighing at least 1 kg.
- How to get fast on side splits Side splits is the most difficult type of stretching. For many people it becomes an unattainable dream because of the peculiarities of physique or lack of perseverance. In some sports, the splits is a required element of the program in sports aerobics, rhythmic gymnastics, etc.
- How to build muscle their weight Gym is too far. Rod does not fit into the interior of your apartment. The reasons are many, but that is no reason to abandon the sport. After all, when you always have the best machine – your body. Using only your body weight, you can create the perfect muscle.
- How to swing muscle groups The human muscular system includes more than six hundred separate muscles. Together they form a muscle group. In bodybuilding, it is customary to distinguish the following groups of muscles: shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, forearms, back, abdominals, buttocks, thighs and lower leg. During one training session should not swing all groups of muscles. Better to split them study on different days of the week.
- How to learn to swim quickly It turns out, to swim quickly seeking not only to athletes. Among the mortals there are many wanting to establish their own, albeit small beach the record, reaching for a couple of minutes on the opposite shore.
- How to learn kung fu Kung fu as a doctrine of spiritual and physical power of man was born several millennia before our era. Teaching methods, technology and fighting techniques have changed and improved throughout this time, which led to hundreds of kung fu styles and its branches. The main feature of kung fu is the versatility of his character, and by the close connection of physical perfection with spiritual knowledge, which is not less time than on the development of speed and power.
- How to download hands Do arm wrestling, or just want to have a strong handshake? Maybe you like to take up rock climbing, or a strong brush of hands as desired for any other sport? In any case, if you are interested in pumping hands, see how to do it in the instructions below.
- How to make your muscles bigger Good to be great! In order for the biceps, triceps and latissimus dorsi look spectacular, enough to lose a little weight and regularly perform basic exercises with weights. How to be skinny with lack of muscle mass? Going to the gym becomes a daily, the weight increases, and muscles, though raised, could not be more... With this problem you can handle!
- How to remove subcutaneous belly fat Slimming belly – a problem faced by almost all women. Even the regular bench press does not always help to remove the subcutaneous fat from the abdomen, bulging muscles hide behind the not aesthetic the layer of fat. But this problem is not insoluble. There are a number of exercises, regular performance of which in conjunction with ancillary procedures will help to get rid of the fat layer on the belly.
- How to train goalkeepers Training goalkeepers is different from training the rest of the football team. However, the goalkeeper is an important part of the team. This is generally carried out by specially trained coaches who last played as a goalkeeper. But if your team is not a special coach, please review the recommendations below to increase training efficiency.
- How to sew a leotard for gymnastics Such an interesting hobby, like gymnastics, is also costly. A lot of money is spent on swimwear for the various competitions, as well as the usual gym training swimwear. The swimsuit is the image of the young gymnasts. He can influence the perception and evaluation of judges. It needs to successfully blend in with your stage persona, to be bright and beautiful. But it needs to be not only beautiful but also convenient. To sew a leotard for rhythmic gymnastics, you need to know some important rules.
- How to take a penalty To score from the penalty spot is both easy and hard. On the one hand, you're eleven meters from goal, beat without interference by standing the ball. Prevent you can only the goalkeeper, and even then, only if he's lucky. But on the other hand, nerves that can hinder even the most experienced athletes. So how is it to score a penalty, not summing up the team?