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  • How quickly pump up the press the girl
    If you want to pump up the press, first decide exactly what result you need. You can make your tummy toned and flat. With a good physical preparation it will take about a month. But you can pump up the press before the appearance of the cubes. This task is more difficult, but it is doable.
  • How to master the contactless battle
    The man who owns the contactless battle, throwing his opponents without even touching them. Non-contact fight – the top skills in the martial arts. They possess only a few masters of martial arts. Also this fight trained elite special forces soldiers.
  • How to adjust rear derailleur
    If riding a bikee is interrupted by a jump off of the chain because of its weak tension, and the rear switch does not work when screwed to the mount, then it is time to engage in his adjustment. This can be done in a few steps.
  • How to choose table tennis
    In many countries, people get carried away atthe capital tennis. For some, it's professional sports, entertainment and active rest. Play tennis in schools, in enterprises, in urban yards. And many fans of ping-pong set table tennis at home.
  • How to execute standard of master of sports
    Master the skills in the selected sport. This is a man who for many years of training and shows good results in major competitions. So how to still get this title?
  • How to pump for six months
    Men are often dissatisfied with their physical form, so the question is, how to build muscle, torturing many. However, for most the desire to have a beautiful figure remains just a wish. To build good muscles, you need to seriously and regularly to the gym. The minimum time for the appearance of the result is 5-6 months.
  • How to work out the impact force
    The force of the blow is important for the vast majority of contact martial arts. Its working out have to do almost every workout to achieve good results in this indicator.
  • How to have a good stretch
    A good stretch of the muscles needed for many sports. Even if you do not do it professionally, exercises to improve the flexibility of your joints will help you feel better. It is desirable to perform them on a daily basis to get good result.
  • How to start to go to the pool
    Swimming is amongst the few sports that will involve almost all muscle groups and have a minimum of contraindications. That is why pools have become increasingly popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle.
  • How to increase calf
    Calf muscles is an important part of the feet. Without well pumped calves and legs will look very wishy-washy. That's why many athletes are focusing on these muscles, along with the drumstick and thighs.
  • Why is there a decrease muscle
    All human muscles formed a special cloth fibers that are held together with connective tissue into bundles. They are all permeated with nerves and blood vessels. Muscle contraction is caused not only by their structure but also their interaction with the human skeleton.
  • How to learn to sit in the Lotus position
    "Lotus" or "Padmasana" is one of the basic meditative poses in yoga. Needs to have good open joints of the legs and a great stretch. A normal person requires approximately one to two months to prepare the body for the Lotus position. It is necessary to perform special exercises.
  • Why do we need wristbands
    The wristband is a popular accessory for tennis players and not only. It is a small knitted bandage that is worn on wrists. So, for what need this piece of sports equipment?
  • How to reduce the belly
    Even with quite tight buttocks and slender legs, some suffer from excessive body fat in the waist and abdomen. If your figure tends to accumulate reserves only, note that it is necessary to work still comprehensively with the whole body. Be sure to combine a balanced diet, cardio and strength exercises.
  • How to gain muscle mass hand
    In addition to the major layers of muscles, such as legs, chest and back, there are smaller - like hands. It is important to know exactly what exercises help to increase their muscle mass, and which are not. It is also important to respect a competent diet during the day.
  • How to teach to play football
    Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. Young athletes want to learn to play at least average. The mentor needs to know the method by which you can train novice players.
  • How to improve dribbling
    Modern football is impossible without a skilful and pacey players. Dribbling – the part of the Arsenal on which you need to work up a sweat every workout. There is a certain scheme to improve the ability to trace players.
  • How to learn stuff on the leg
    The basis of possession of the ball in football is a long retention. This exercise, like stuffing the ball on the foot will help the player to develop coordination and reaction. So, how can we learn to fill the leg?
  • How to become a candidate master of sports
    If your goal is to run a qualifying standard of candidate master of sports, you need to follow some important rules. To achieve desirable, the athletes are training more than one year, donating their time and their health. What are the conditions for obtaining this title?
  • How to strengthen a punch
    Physical strength and strong blow not identical concepts. Correctly delivered kick can be completely inconspicuous-looking athlete. The key to a good blowe is a proper technique. This technique need to work long and carefully.
  • How to pump up the inner part of the calf
    Often women complain about ugly the shape of their calves. To correct many of the shortcomings of the legs will help the fitness. The following is a set of exercises that will create a beautiful roundness of the inner side of the calf.
  • How to dry muscles
    Bodybuilding is a complex science, which cannot be limited to mindless eating everything and sverhozhirenie training. Another aspect concerns the proper drying of the muscles. It is very important because it is indispensable in the preparation for competitions.
  • How to remove the "ears" on the priest
    Breeches or "bear ears" can ruin the appearance of even the most beautiful of the thighs and buttocks.However, to get rid of them fairly easy: the only effective set of exercises that helps strengthen not only the muscles of the buttocks, but also the external and also the back, of the thigh. A significant plus for exercise does not require any special shells, so bring the legs in order in the home.
  • How to remove stretched stomach
    Stretched abdominal muscles and loose skin takes a lot of grief parous women. Many of them spend a huge amount of effort on the exercise, but the stomach to an antenatal condition and is not refundable. The reasons are many, and not all of them are associated with weak muscles.
  • How to put a kick in football
    Football is a simple game at first glance. It seems that the players just dribble the ball and hit it, trying to get into the opponent's goal. In fact, they need to possess a large number of skills. Formulation of the hitting the ball is one of them.
  • How to remove fat on belly and legs
    The female type of obesity adipose tissue is located in the lower part of the body: the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. These places nature itself provides for the creation of energy reserves, which are the lipids. Nearby pelvic organs, primarily reproductive, and fat located on legs and stomach intended for food of the fruit in hard times. Why women so hard to lose weight below the waist. But regular exercise will help to cope even with this problem.
  • How to get sports category
    The desire to sport category inherent in any person engaged in sports activities. Because the discharge is an indicator of physical, technical and tactical preparedness of the athlete. It characterizes the level of sportsmanship and is assigned on city and regional competitions.
  • How to learn to swim on your back
    Swimming on the back is the easiest style of movement on the water. There is no need to hold your breath, and the body in this swimming resting. To learn how to swim on the back is a snap.
  • How to fix the curvature of the legs exercises
    When the ideal shape of the feet in standing position the knees and ankles one footand touch the knees and ankles another. A slight curvature of the legs can be corrected with special exercises – muscles pumped in the right places, and legsand gain a good shape.
  • How to bring yourself in shape quickly
    You need to quickly bring your body in order? You want to gain fitness, to feel the vivacity and good mood? Then straight ahead to follow simple rules that will help you to look beautiful and young!