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  • What group of muscles develops the bike
    Cycling is not only fun but also a useful pastime. Not only that, this sport develops stamina and beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, even while it involves a variety of muscle groups.
  • How to lose weight and burn fat, working out in the gym
    The gym is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and at the same time to get a beautiful figure with muscle definition. However, to achieve such a result is possible only if systematic training and well-built system of training.
  • How to choose gloves for punching bag
    Gloves – an essential piece of equipment for boxers, kick-boxers and other athletes of martial arts attack. Price spread is very large, which complicates the selection process, especially for someone who is just beginning his Boxing career.
  • What is triceps and biceps
    Such anatomical terms as the triceps and biceps, well known, not related to medicine: this is one of the most visible muscles in the human body, their growth directed many physical exercises which make the hands stronger and more powerful. Triceps and biceps close but perform different functions and are different from each other.
  • Can I do sports every day?
    "Chief academician Joffe has shown that cognac and coffee you will replace the sport and prevention...". Sports are becoming more popular, and no wonder. It is now fashionable to have a slim, trim figure, to look successful and energetic, to monitor their health. How often beginners wanting to get everything immediately, eager to start training, but, being disappointed in the results, throw classes in a month or two.
  • How to drink protein right
    Protein is the most popular type of sports nutrition. Drink protein shakes every self-respecting athlete. Protein will fit into your sports diet, regardless of goals - weight loss, mass, or work on the terrain.
  • How to get rid of saggy belly
    Too voluminous belly will ruin even the most slender figure. However, to get rid of fat and sagging skin in the area of the press is difficult. To tighten the abdomen, to create a strong muscular corset and to restore skin elasticity, use a set of measures - gymnastics, massage, diet and proper care products body.
  • How to enlarge breast at home?
    From the point of view of many men the size of the female breast is the main symptom of her sexuality, sexual attractiveness. As a response, the vast majority of women aspire to somehow enlarge their Breasts. Preferably, while not going under the surgeon's scalpel, and acting home remedies.
  • How to increase biceps
    Novice bodybuilders try to focus the pumping muscles of the hands. Really a large biceps give the figure an impressive view, especially in the summer time when you can flaunt a t-shirt with short sleeves. Working on increasing your biceps, it is not necessary to forget that the whole figure of the athlete should be composed of harmonious and proportional.
  • How to get rid of belly after cesarean
    After cesarean section, many women primarily concerned with the question of when you can start to get rid of the fat on the stomach. Because this operation is rather complex, involves just two seam-incision on the abdomen and directly into the uterus. However, to improve appearance, return to the previous form figure to many young moms can't wait. For this there are some very affordable technique to get rid of postpartum tummy.
  • How to remove belly fat male
    Big belly is one of the most frustrating issues for men. To get rid of it, you need perseverance and a reasonable amount of time. However, there is a small trick that allows to remove the stomach as quickly as possible.
  • How to select fins for snorkeling
    The correct selection of equipment and, in particular, the last – the main condition of comfortable diving. This accessory should sit on you so that, ideally, you do not felt on the feet when moving in the water. Choose fins for underwater swimming is required in accordance with the geography of the dive, your physical parameters and style of swimming.
  • How to lose weight with exercise
    Weight, body fat, lost skin elasticity and beauty the skin - all this testifies about the problems of speaking about the need to begin work on his body. You can lose weight via physical exercises which will yield results in a fairly short period of time and will not jeopardize your health.
  • How to eat to pump up the press
    Inflated presse in "cubes" are the dream of many young guys. Some grueling workouts a little in order to achieve a result. If you've decided to build your body for yourself, spend enough time nutrition.
  • How fast to build muscle teen
    Teenagers often want to distinguish themselves from their peers to cause an increased interest in girls. To do this, the boys are starting to play sports and do exercise for building muscle mass. Take the time their physical development, due to this you will get a beautiful body.
  • How to become a good football player
    Hundreds of yard boys, chasing football on the Playground dream of becoming serious players clubs, however, between Amateur and professional sports is a huge, almost insurmountable gap. Who wants to become a really good professional player should completely change the attitude to his hobby.
  • How fast to build muscle on the bar
    Quickly pump up the muscles on the horizontal bare is possible. For this purpose there is a special set of exercises. Performing them, you will reach the goal in a short time. The main load – lifting its own weight.
  • How quickly pump up the press and clean the stomach
    Cubes press and flat belly – that's what I want to see in the mirror, many women, going to the beach. To achieve this you need to periodically cycle certain of exercise.
  • How quickly pump up the buttocks at home
    Beautiful and toned buttocks – cherished desire of many people. There is a special set of exercises to pump this muscle group, which, incidentally, can be performed in home conditions.
  • How quickly pump up the biceps dumbbells
    There is a certain set of exercises that allows you to quickly and efficiently pump two-headed muscle of the arm with dumbbells. Remember: bicep consists of two parts: short and long.
  • As a man to remove fat from stomach and sides
    Beautiful male figure implies the presence of six pack abs and strong muscles without excess fat. But, unfortunately, the drawbacks like too big belly and fat folds on the sides are not so rare. To get rid of them, however, you have to put a lot of strength and perseverance. Proper diet and gym - the best assistants in this matter.
  • How to gain weight on the bar
    Exercises on the horizontal bar is good for those who are just starting to increase muscle mass. This is due to the fact that its own weight is the least traumatic. In addition, the pull is not require complex equipment or special programs. Pull-UPS will suit even very untrained people.
  • How to quickly reduce the waist
    Slim waist is not only the key to a beautiful figure and good health. Scientists say that waist circumference over 89 cm indicates that there may be heart problems and the risk of vascular diseases. If your values exceed the recommended settings, start to fight for a slim shape. Study at home or in the gym, focus on cardio and change the diet. Two to three weeks of efforts and your waist will be thinner.
  • How to pump up the rear part of the thighs
    Tighten the muscles of the back surface of the hips create a sleek and textured silhouette. Smooth line of hips, rounded buttocks with no signs of cellulite – it is worth every effort. The best recipe for muscle development of the thighs – power exercises and lunges with weights. Study regularly and you will soon see impressive results.
  • How to sports diary
    Sports diary is an essential tool for achieving results in the selected view, especially athletics and bodybuilding. There is a certain pattern of doing the diary.
  • How to build muscle in the pool
    Training in a pool can bring not only benefit, but also pleasant mood, and a great result. There are a set of exercises aimed at different muscle groups.
  • How to build body without equipment
    Men, just like women, want to have a beautiful body. However, the vast majority of the case to a practice does not reach due to lack of time for visits to the gym. Talking about pumping the body with the help of simulators, one should not forget that build muscle is possible without buying a gym and without any additional devices.
  • How to build the female body
    A girl who wants to pump their bodycan lead to the horror of the thought of the necessary complex and regular exercise. Do not be afraid to turn into "miss bodybuilding" with excessively muscled. These results will not be achieved without the use of special drugs. But thanks to regular training you will be provided with slender legs, flat tummy, chiseled waist and high chest.
  • How to quickly stretch your legs
    An important part of any training program are exercises for stretching the legs. Due to this the body becomes more flexible, maintain good posture and reduces the risk of damage to the ligaments and muscles. Proper stretching strengthens the joints and makes them flexible. So how do faster to stretch the leg muscles?
  • How to choose a yoga
    Yoga is not exercise, rather, a worldview, a means of achieving harmony of mind, body, spirit and mind. There are many areas of yoga. Choose for yourself what suits you more for health and temperament. Don't be afraid to try new directions. In the end you'll find your practice. For a start – a small educational program.