According to the method of the style "Long fist" kung fu training can be divided into 3 stages. Training is conducted in morning and evening time. Duration of training total for the day is from 2 to 6 hours.
Stage 1 - from 3 to 6 months:

start the training with the enhanced warm-up of joints (30-40 minutes);

gradually move on to stretching of the lower back and legs, and Mahi hands.
Go for jumping, General physical preparation and practicing striking techniques;

take time technique of movement, pair work and tandem movements;

repeat the entire set of exercises that you were doing before and move on to relaxation;

end your day with a workout, meditation (about 5 minutes).
At the initial stage of a technique the emphasis is on the formulation of the correct posture, the acquisition of long-term stability due to the low balances and positions. A prerequisite for effective training is the alternation of static balancing, stretching) and dynamic (jumping Mahi) exercises.
Stage 2 – from 6 months to 1 year:

focuses in training with the achievements of shocks (bags, clutches);

practice the techniques of grips, technique pain techniques, techniques against stick, knife. These exercises are done in pairs;

model elements dulany and Sanya-Yes (a bunch of "hand-foot", "blow – dart").
At this stage mastered various attacks, setting protection and accurate strikes.
Stage 3 of the development of kung fu (from 1 to 3 years) is characterized by the study of already complex combinations of movements elements of acrobatics, exercises with weapons, tactics, full contact fighting, elements of breathing exercises (qigong) etc. After mastering the third stage the pupil is ready to participate in a real full contact fight, and without the help of the wizard, examine the fundamental basis of the fight.