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  • How to develop a foot with the broken ankle
    Proper and timely treatment of the fractureand any limb can provide a complete restoration of its functions without any complications or consequences. This statement also applies to the ankle, a fracture which, in the opinion of many, makes a man limping for life. With the implementation of certain recommendations can be restore functions of the lower part of the leg completely and with no "loss" in the shortest possible time.
  • How to increase hip width
    Skinny girls often say thin thighs and legs. Add more volume by pumping up muscle mass. Exercises that help increase muscle, you need to perform in a very slow rhythm. During the whole workout, try to maximally stretch the muscles of the thighs. Do the exercises at least 3 times a week and gradually you will notice that the hips disappeared sagging and legs become more prominent and rounded.
  • How to remove belly fat doing crunches
    If we don't use your muscles, then gradually lose them. To keep muscles young and strong, we must constantly exercise them. Daily physical activity force to circulate the blood. Exercise will help you release sweat and detoxify the body. Thus, with the help of physical exercise can not only improve your appearance, but also to cleanse the body through the secretion of the skin.
  • How to install speedometer on the bike
    Modern electronic speedometers for bicycles to shows not only the current but also the maximum and average speed for all travel time, average speed, time, distance, and more. Such a speedometer is a useful acquisition, which can be conveniently mounted on a Bicycle.
  • How to sew a leotard for rhythmic gymnastics
    Swimsuit defines the shape of the gymnasts and influences the perception of judges, and therefore, the assessment of performance. The swimsuit should just sit on the figure and not to hamper the movements that the athlete had to fight with him in the execution of complex elements. Sewing a leotard for artistic gymnastics is divided into several stages.
  • How to put on weight 5 kg
    Currently it is fashionable to lose weight. Today all lose weight: and full, and slender, young and old and celebrities, and Housewives. All sharing secrets, exchanging recipes "most-most" diets, discover amazing products, etc. But sometimes it happens the weight gain. The reasons may be very different from the testimony of the doctor (when it comes to health) to a simple desire to gain a curvy shape, which are so like men. There is often a lot is not the best technique. Is there a special diet for those who want to get better, they are not harmful to health and quite effective in order to in a short period of time to gather, for example, 5 kg. Here is one of such diets (by doing so, you can put on 5 kg in just a week, provided that you are a healthy woman).
  • How to remove excess fat
    The secret to a perfect figure - in the absence of body fat. Body shape can be round, but if they are firm and do not droop under the weight of the fat, it's all right. But with the excess weight need to fight, because excessive obesity can lead to serious health problems. If you ask for and not to wait for momentary result, it is possible to remove excess fat from problem areas, it needs only to approach the problem comprehensively.
  • How to build calves feet
    The harmonious body – the purpose of any person who goes to the gym. The gym we go to remove the extra pounds in order to develop your body to give your body the necessary cardio. With the development of a harmonious body is unacceptable backlog of any group of muscles, but often you can see athletes with strong legs but weak ankles. To pump up the calves feet, just a few basic exercises, proper implementation of which will give you the desired result.
  • How to get to the bridge
    When watching sports, we are surprised at the ease of performing complex gymnastic exercises. It needs a lot of work and a great perform the basic exercises that are the Foundation to perform complex tricks. In gymnastics, acrobatics and other sports, these are the splits, bridge, box and other items.
  • How to make broad shoulders
    Broad shoulders and narrow pelvis – the classic image of the strong man. Broad shoulders – is a universally recognized sign of male beauty. If you can do a wide shoulders, you will achieve a significant addition of strength of hands, which can help you in everyday life and in extreme situations. Even if you are not awarded such a physique is in your hands to change that.
  • How to reduce calf
    Many people have large calves, but in most cases they can be reduced in various ways. In order for your legs were always slender and graceful, pay attention to the following simple exercises and some tips. These exercises help in drying the calf muscles and the transformation of the shape of the feet.
  • How to remove muscle
    Many women, in an effort to obtain the desired shape, excessive sports, and this is noticeably reflected in the figure not for the better. But if combined with loads applied wrong diet, pumped muscles on legs, waist and hands are provided, agree, not much adorns the fragile girl. Remove the muscles in different ways.
  • How to learn to play football
    Football is the most popular sport in the world. Watch football matches and cheer for your favorite team like people of any age, sex and social status, and many of them like to play football. You would not mind to drive the ball with friends, but I play well enough? Or, maybe you decided to play football professionally and to play for any official team, but don't know where to start? In this article you will find some useful tips for football training.
  • How gain muscle mass fast at home
    A beautiful body has always attracted the attention of the opposite sex. And perhaps that's why TV and Internet are full of various ads on the theme "juice up a cool body, doing one hour a week." In pursuit of easy prey, people often no longer understand what price they will have to pay. Free cheese is only in a mousetrap. A beautiful body without any effort- only on the table of the surgeon.
  • Rules of table tennis
    Currently, table tennis is well-known and very popular sport. For such entertainment does not have age restrictions, not important to prepare the participants and their physical data. The meaning of table tennis are clear: you only need to throw the ball with racket over the net on the table. The rules of the game are quite simple.
  • How to make a punching bag with their hands
    At first glance, to make a punching bag with their hands is easy enough to find durable fabric, sew a bag and fill it up. But it's not. For each work stage has its own rules.
  • What to eat before and after swimming
    When you visit the pool can be different goals. One wants to lose weight, another increase in the amount of muscle, someone who just swims for the sake of health. What the aim is, depends on nutrition.
  • Requirements for football field: dimensions and coating
    Prelaunch excitement of the leaders of many Russian football clubs is not only the start of the season their team, but with where it starts, what pitch. After all, permission to hold home matches on their own stadium can only be obtained in the case of the absolute it is ready. Including under the cover and layout all the necessary requirements of the Federation and the League.
  • What muscle develops horizontal bar
    The bar – one of the most common shells for the development of agility, strength, power endurance and other physical skills. It can be found in any stadium, in the courts of various institutions and homes, all gyms, etc.
  • As a week to remove the fat from the thighs
    The upper thigh is the most "capricious". It then tries to gather excess fat, make legs looks like chicken leg. You can try to remove fat from thighs in a week, using an integrated approach.
  • How to lose weight with jump ropes
    Jump rope is one of the cheapest exercise equipment that you can use at home. It is possible to get rid of extra pounds. But not so simple. It is necessary to consider the recommendations of experts in the field of sports.
  • The most popular Russian sports
    Russia is a country, cultivating the sport at the state level. Therefore, a large number of sports that are popular in our country are not surprising.
  • What are roller skis
    Modern sports are a huge variety of sports, among which everyone can find something that will be of interest to him. In this case, they sometimes require unusual tools.
  • How to pump up all of the gluteal muscles
    The gluteal muscles are considered to be one of the most powerful and largest muscles in the human body. In their structure they represent the three paired areas: small, medium and large. Therefore, selecting a set of exercises, it is necessary to consider that all the gluteal muscles were involved evenly.
  • What trainer is the fastest way to lose weight
    People are increasingly concerned about the problem of extra pounds, so they look for different sorts of diets. However, the diet in case of weight loss is clearly not enough — need a stable physical exertion. If you do not do, the muscle will lose elasticity and decrease in volume, and then suffer and the contours of the body. The best helpers in the weight loss are modern fitness equipment. It only remains to figure out which of them can help the fastest way to lose weight.
  • How to increase the impact speed
    To increase the speed of impactand you need to make some extra effort during training. Technically it is important to properly take the kick, have developed the muscles and ligaments to be relaxed during the attack.
  • How to increase stamina in running
    To increase endurance in running wants almost every runner. There are several effective ways, both of which will help you to become faster and more resilient.
  • How to remove fat under the arms: exercises
    Even skinny girls armpits can grow into unattractive fat rolls. And sometimes it's very difficult to give the area texture. Not to deny myself the pleasure of wearing in summer, open tops and sexy shirts, start to perform simple exercises now.
  • How to calculate the period of supercompensation
    The supercompensation – the main purpose of virtually any trip to the gym. This is the period of time for which the muscles of athletes recover after a workout and become stronger, fitter and bigger than they were before.
  • How to swim the breaststroke
    It is known that the most quickly to swim can just crawl. Therefore, this kind of swimming is so popular at the event. It is believed that learning to swim crawl is impossible without theoretical guidance and practice. That is why I try to learn to swim crawl stroke in childhood.